Submission on the Canberra Light Rail Network Plan

The Weston Creek Community Council has lodged a Submission on the Canberra Light Rail network Plan.  The WCCC does not support the Civic to Gungahlin light rail route as an appropriate Stage 1 Route for Canberra. This corridor is simply too biased in favour of one side of Canberra, and doesn’t service enough people and key destinations to be viable.… Continue reading

WCCC Submission on the 2016-17 Budget

WCCC’s major concern in framing the forthcoming ACT Budget is to address the needs of the Weston Creek Community. Some of the services they require have been requested numerous times over a number of years. It is frustrating to observe that they will be provided to the new Molonglo Community or the Woden community and once more the people of… Continue reading

Council Disappointed over Minister Rattenbury’s Comments on the Cotter Road

The Weston Creek Community Council is disappointed with the comments made by Minister Rattenbury this week over the proposed duplication of the last leg of the Cotter Road between the Tuggeranong Parkway and McCulloch Street Curtin. At a time when RoadsACT have completed the plans, The National Capital Authority has approved the proposed development, the matter went to the ACT… Continue reading

What do you want for Weston Creek – SURVEY

What do Weston Creek residents consider important for the ACT Government to do for the Weston Creek community? This survey seeks to gain resident’s views to help form the debate about what is require in Weston Creek as a prelude to the next ACT Elections in 2016. (best on Tablet/iPad or computer). Continue reading

ACT Budget’s impact on Weston Creek

The latest ACT Government Budget media release states that the Government is making significant investment in sport for Woden and Weston Creek, including with $6.6 million allocated for a state-of-the-art synthetic football facility at Melrose High School. The field will be FIFA-accredited, complete with a pavilion and lights. Phillip Oval will also be enhanced to a national standard with a $4.6… Continue reading

Light Rail Presentation – Public Meeting 29 April 2015

The Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the ACT Assembly, Alistair Coe, made a presentation on Light Rail and the ACTION Bus Network at last night’s meeting. He highlighted the costs of the proposed Light Rail development and what the costs would likely be for each household in Weston Creek. he did say that if a Liberal Government were elected… Continue reading