The latest ACT Government Budget media release states that the Government is making significant investment in sport for Woden and Weston Creek, including with $6.6 million allocated for a state-of-the-art synthetic football facility at Melrose High School. The field will be FIFA-accredited, complete with a pavilion and lights. Phillip Oval will also be enhanced to a national standard with a $4.6 million upgrade. A further $200,000 will upgrade Stromlo Forest park and $185,000 will upgrade the Issacs Ridge Mountain Bike trail.
This year the ACT’s health Budget is $1.5 billion – the biggest it has ever been. Health initiatives in this Budget for Woden and Weston Creek include:
- $15.8 million for Canberra Hospital, that’s 12 new general hospital beds.
- $10.2 million for Intensive Care services and $3.7 million for premature babies, inlcluding a new neonatal intensive care bed.
Shopping centres, playgrounds and shared spaces will be revitalised. For Woden and Weston Creek the ACT Government will fund:
- $500,000 for Woden Town Centre for renewing gardens, footpaths and general amenities.
- $860,000 for upgrades to Brierly St and Trennery Square at Cooleman Court.
- $200,000 towards the Molonglo to City cycle highway.
There’ll also be more mowing, tree pruning, weeding and graffiti removal and prevention in Woden and Weston Creek as well as ongoing upgrades to the Woden bus interchange.
For more information about how the 2015-16 ACT budget impacts you and your region go to