Construction update – Hindmarsh Drive/Brierly Street intersection upgrade

TCCS has advised construction of the long-awaited signalisation of the Hindmarsh Dr/Brierly St intersection will commence on 24 April 2024 Continue reading
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TCCS has advised construction of the long-awaited signalisation of the Hindmarsh Dr/Brierly St intersection will commence on 24 April 2024 Continue reading
You may have noticed the Government quietly posted revised bus timetables and service arrangements on the Transport Canberra website (…/new-timetable-for…) on Monday. Alternatively, you may have easily missed it. Council is unimpressed that we found out about these changes through the media, rather than by targeted local consultation by Transport Canberra as is the usual case. While there are some… Continue reading
Council participated in the Legislative Assembly’s Justice and Community Safety Standing Committee on Dangerous Driving, through both a Submission and participation in hearings on 26 October 2022. The Legislative Assembly website contains Council’s submission Continue reading
The ACT Government today announced that the temporary Car park proposed for Watling place would not proceed. Council welcomes this decision as the proposed number of car parking spaces was continually reduced to now some 56 spaces which council believes can be found in some adjustment o time limits around Cooleman Court. We look forward to an engaging community consultation process for the upgrade of Brierly Street
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Council welcomes the lodgment of the Development Application for the bridge over the Molonglo River in Molonglo. It will be the biggest bridge in the ACT. The cost estimate is $174 million part of which will be funded by the Commonwealth government. Continue reading
The new suburb of Whitlam is now open for the public to explore, but what will it take to make sure the right infrastructure and facilities are in place when more than 2000 families move in? Stephen Cenatiempo of 2CC spoke to Weston Creek Community Council Chair Tom Anderson. Continue reading
There are a range of issues that the Council has listed for politicians and political candidates to consider for the Murrumbidgee Electorate. They are wide and varied from Community facilities, law and order, green space and Sport and recreation just to name some of them. The full list follows: Continue reading
Council cautiously welcomes the Chief Minister’s announcement today of $170 million for the last portion of John Gorton Drive including a bridge crossing the Molonglo River.
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