Earlier this year, the ACT Government consulted with local community groups, individuals and the Weston Creek Community Council on developments at Rivett Shops. Whilst Council is supportive of new community Church facilities in the area and renewal of the Rivett Shops precinct, good design and environmental considerations are always first and foremost during the planning stages. We firmly believe that… Continue reading

Blocks 1151 and 864 Weston Creek – Construction of Aged Care Facility

Council has received the following email (including link) from the National Capital Authority about Works Approval for the proposed Aged Care/ Seniors Living Facility on Cotter Road. While Council did not oppose the development, noting the need for quality aged care/seniors living, it made some suggestions that would enhance the development. These suggestions included commentary about the traffic at the… Continue reading

AFP Site – DA Submitted

Village Building Company’s Development Application for the former AFP site is now available for public viewing and comments. It can be found by following this link Village has also organised an on-line session for this Thursday, from 6.00pm – 7.30 pm using Microsoft Teams. The invitation is copied below and will be posted on our Facebook pages. Microsoft Teams meeting… Continue reading

An update on the Village Building Company negotiations.

A significant number of residents have provided well considered feedback on the information provided so far. This information has been provided to VBC (minus contributors’ contact details). A common theme in responses was the resolution of the drawings. Village has now provided a link to a website containing the latest version of plans. The link is: Further, because we have… Continue reading

2CC Interview on AFP Site – Plans to Redevelop Site

Council Interim Chair, Bill Gemmell, spoke to 2CC’s Leon Delaney on Wednesday afternoon (2 June 2021) about ACAT’s refusal of the Village Building Company appeal. The conversation includes an invitation to Village for a dialogue about what residents believe may be a good development for the site. Listen here: Continue reading

ACAT Rejects Village Building Company Proposal for Old AFP Site

Council has received the ACAT decision on the proposed development of the Old AFP site. The appeal has been rejected. Council is pleased that the proponent will now need to develop plans that are consistent with the expectations of the residents for such a gateway site. Continue reading

Molonglo Valley prepares for influx of Whitlam residents

The new suburb of Whitlam is now open for the public to explore, but what will it take to make sure the right infrastructure and facilities are in place when more than 2000 families move in? Stephen Cenatiempo of 2CC spoke to Weston Creek Community Council Chair Tom Anderson. Continue reading

Weston Creek Community Council outlines it’s Election Issues

There are a range of issues that the Council has listed for politicians and political candidates to consider for the Murrumbidgee Electorate.  They are wide and varied from Community facilities, law and order, green space and Sport and recreation just to name some of them.  The full list follows: Continue reading

Village Building Co’s Develeopment Application refused for the “Old AFP Site in Weston”.

The ACT Planning and Land Authority has refused the village Building Company’s Development Application for Block 1 Section 82, the “Old AFP Site” in Weston. There were a number of grounds for the refusal including the proposed blocks do not represent a suitable size able to accomodate complying developments appropraite to the site and zoning, the pattern of sub-division constrains… Continue reading