Sites for Public Housing – Weston Creek & Molonglo

The Public Housing Taskforce has identified sites in Holder, Chapman and Wright for public housing. These sites are part of an initiative to ‘pepper and salt’ new public housing through the city with small-scale quality accommodation. Weston Creek Community Council was only advised formally of these sites on the day of Minister Berry’s media release. Continue reading

Green Bin Trial

First you had to express an interest NOW it is time to register. SO sign up now. Residents living in the suburbs of Chapman, Duffy, Fisher, Holder, Rivett, Stirling, Waramanga, Weston and Kambah are now able to register to be part of the pilot. Residents who opt-in to register will receive a 240 litre lime-green lidded green waste bin starting… Continue reading

Development causes Weston Creek community to feel overlooked

The Weston Creek Community Council is disappointed by the approval of a 21-dwelling medium density development planned for Featherston Ridge in Weston. The $7.7 million Bellette Street project is proposed for a block within the Defence Housing Australia estate sold to private developers in mid-2015. Public submissions on the plans took issue with the 7.6 metre building height and the… Continue reading

Proposed changes to distance vegetation must be kept from electricity poles and wires – invitation to community forums

ActewAGL Distribution is proposing to the ACT Government that changes be made to the regulations that govern the required distance that vegetation must be kept from electricity infrastructure in the ACT. Vegetation clearances are an important part of ActewAGL Distribution’s Bushfire Management Strategy that helps to ensure the safety of our community during bushfire season. ActewAGL are proposing to change the… Continue reading

Public housing in Coombs

Coombs is the first Canberra suburb to have its public housing planned from the outset and the ACT government aims to have it built by Christmas next year. The Land Development Agency has submitted plans to construct 158 units on seven separate sites across the new suburb on the Molonglo River. Four of the seven proposed multi-unit development applications under review… Continue reading

WCCC Submission on the 2016-17 Budget

WCCC’s major concern in framing the forthcoming ACT Budget is to address the needs of the Weston Creek Community. Some of the services they require have been requested numerous times over a number of years. It is frustrating to observe that they will be provided to the new Molonglo Community or the Woden community and once more the people of… Continue reading

‘Mr Fluffy’ -Public List of Affected Properties

The ACT Government has publicly released a list of affected properties that will enable former residents, tradespeople and the broader community to know whether particular properties are affected by Mr Fluffy loose fill asbestos insulation. For nearly 50 years, houses affected by loose fill asbestos insulation or ‘Mr Fluffy’ have been part of the Canberra community. Over time many people… Continue reading

WCCC Submission on draft changes to the Territory Plan for the Mr Fluffy scheme

The Weston Creek Community Council has written to the Standing Committee on Planning, Environment and Territory and Municipal Services detailing its disagreement with proposed variation to the Territory Plan relating to the Mr Fluffy scheme.  In particular the WCCC does not agree that the proposed changes are modest.  The changes have the potential by considerably altering pockets within suburbs to… Continue reading