ActewAGL Distribution is proposing to the ACT Government that changes be made to the regulations that govern the required distance that vegetation must be kept from electricity infrastructure in the ACT.
Vegetation clearances are an important part of ActewAGL Distribution’s Bushfire Management Strategy that helps to ensure the safety of our community during bushfire season.
ActewAGL are proposing to change the minimum distances that vegetation is required to be kept from power poles and wires. The proposed new distances relate to rural and bushfire abatement zones within the ACT including power lines within some Canberra Nature Parks. There are also changes proposed to vegetation clearance requirements around power poles within the suburbs and backyards of Canberra.
ActewAGL are interested in hearing feedback from the members of our Powerpanel on what is proposed and invite you to come along to one of their community meetings being held as follows:
- Tuesday 2 February 2016 12 – 2pm Ground floor, ActewAGL House, 40 Bunda Street, Civic
- Wednesday 3 February 2016 5 -7pm Ground floor, ActewAGL House, 40 Bunda Street, Civic
- Registration is essential and can be done online
Further information, including a copy of our discussion paper, is available at or by emailing