Submission on the Canberra Light Rail Network Plan

The Weston Creek Community Council has lodged a Submission on the Canberra Light Rail network Plan.  The WCCC does not support the Civic to Gungahlin light rail route as an appropriate Stage 1 Route for Canberra. This corridor is simply too biased in favour of one side of Canberra, and doesn’t service enough people and key destinations to be viable.… Continue reading

The Weston Men’s Shed Moves

From 19 November 2015 the Weston Creek Men’s Shed will meet at the Eternity Church, at the corner of Sulwood Drive and the Tuggeranong Parkway (next to the Fire/Ambulance Station) – click for map. Meetings will be on Thursdays from 1.30 pm onwards.  The site offers meeting facilities and a shed for use as a workshop. In the longer term… Continue reading

WCCC Update

Want to hear about the next development in Molonglo in Denman Prospect with every house requiring to have solar panels generating electricity? Capital Estates Development will attend our meeting this month and tell us what will be happening here. Come along to the next Public Meeting is to be held on Wednesday 28th October at 7.30 pm at the St… Continue reading

WCCC Submission on the 2016-17 Budget

WCCC’s major concern in framing the forthcoming ACT Budget is to address the needs of the Weston Creek Community. Some of the services they require have been requested numerous times over a number of years. It is frustrating to observe that they will be provided to the new Molonglo Community or the Woden community and once more the people of… Continue reading

Council Disappointed over Minister Rattenbury’s Comments on the Cotter Road

The Weston Creek Community Council is disappointed with the comments made by Minister Rattenbury this week over the proposed duplication of the last leg of the Cotter Road between the Tuggeranong Parkway and McCulloch Street Curtin. At a time when RoadsACT have completed the plans, The National Capital Authority has approved the proposed development, the matter went to the ACT… Continue reading

Fethertson Gardens Winter ’15 Newsletter

The Fetherston Gardens Friends (FGF) have been active over the winter period removing woody weeds, ivy and blackberry and have our dedicated team of volunteers to thank for the regenerating work, giving of their time and skills to many garden tasks. We continue a wonderful partnership with TAMS, Parkcare, Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) who fully support our volunteer commitment… Continue reading

Bonfire night makes a fiery comeback at Weston Creek

Canberra hosted its first Winter Farewell Bonfire Festival at the old Weston Creek school playing fields on the weekend, with hundreds of families turning out to enjoy some old-fashioned fun. The event organised by the Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) and the ACT Government was to farewell the winter chill and welcome the spring. Chris Leach brought his family from… Continue reading