Category: Fetherston Gardens
Information on Fetherston Gardens
Fetherston Gardens Friends Convenor Report 2020

Fetherston Gardens has now entered its 10 year of care under the watchful eye of the Fetherston Gardens Friends (FGF). Our goals of restoration, regeneration and renewal persist, as we continue to maintain, develop, clear, mulch, and plant new trees, shrubs and bulbs in this unique park and garden. Continue reading
Floriade Community 2021

Weston Creek Community Council has again been selected to participate in Floriade Community. We will be launching this year’s activities on Saturday, 5 June. Everyone is welcome! Continue reading
Fetherston Gardens Annual Report 2019

Fetherston Gardens Friends (FGF) has continued to be a volunteer group of dedicated, committed people who desire to see the Gardens maintained for our community Continue reading
Celebrate Weston Creeks’ Anniversary

Weston Creek Birthday Celebration and Garden Party in Fetherston Gardens, Heysen Street, Weston from 11 to 3 pm on Sunday 28 October. All are welcome. Continue reading
Fetherston Gardens Friends Convenor’s Report 2018

Fetherston Gardens have continued to thrive and attract more interest from the local and wider Canberra community through the 2017-18 Financial Year. Continue reading
Fetherston Gardens – Heritage Day
Fetherston Gardens in Photos
Fetherston Gardens AGM ’15 – Reports
Fetherston Gardens Friends held an AGM on Thursday 10 September 2015. We thank the WCCC for ongoing support and partnership with our community. The committee farewelled Trevor Wilson whose service as the convenor has been extensive, and thanked him for his experience and enthusiasm on the FGF committee. We welcomed Louise Hughes and Michelle Weston to our team. The committee… Continue reading
Fethertson Gardens Winter ’15 Newsletter
The Fetherston Gardens Friends (FGF) have been active over the winter period removing woody weeds, ivy and blackberry and have our dedicated team of volunteers to thank for the regenerating work, giving of their time and skills to many garden tasks. We continue a wonderful partnership with TAMS, Parkcare, Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) who fully support our volunteer commitment… Continue reading