Molonglo Information Night

The Suburban Land Agency is hosting another Molonglo Valley Community Information Night on Thursday 24 May 2018 between 7pm and 9pm at Charles Weston School. This event will be live streamed to the Molonglo Valley Mingle Facebook page and will include a Q&A session. These videos will also be uploaded to the Molonglo Valley Mingle page on the Suburban Land Agency website. Continue reading

Our Community believes that it is the responsibility of the Government of Australia to fully fund these Institutions.

Over the years we have seen a relentless drive by successive Governments to diminish these Institutions through continued budget reductions whether they be through the so-called “efficiency dividend” or other cuts. Our community believes that there is a Community Service Obligation on the Parliament of Australia and its Members and Senators to fully fund these Institutions to enable them to operate for the benefit of all Australians. Continue reading