Update: By the Village Building Company

From the Village Building Company

Following the considerable interest from the local community in the proposed development of the former AFP site in Weston, we contacted the Environment, Planning & Sustainability Development Directorate and notified them of an extension to our Pre-DA community consultation period.

The  Pre-DA consultation period will continue through until to 8 August 2018.

Next steps

Village is committed to:

  • Publishing the next version of draft plans to our website www.weston.villagebuilding.com.au by 16 July 2018;
  • Presenting draft plans (accompanied by relevant subject matter experts) to the community at the Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) meeting on 25 July 2018, formal details of which will be included in a subsequent email closer to the date.

 Have your say

Please email me directly or register your comments through the WCCC website: https://westoncreek.org.au/contact-us/.

We will keep our website:  www.weston.villagebuilding.com.au updated and will send weekly emails to alert you to the latest news.

I would like to reiterate our commitment to a genuine and open consultation process.

Earlier from the Villiage Building Company (8 Jun 18):
We appreciate all of your feedback at this early stage and plan to address all issues and comments moving forward. This reiterates The Village Building Company’s (Village’s) commitment to a genuine and open consultation process.
Your comments have been heard
The following feedback was provided in the two open forums held on 22 May and 31 May.
  • Zoning of the site (The site has been zoned as a medium density residential site and adopted into the Territory plan since December 2008. Details can be found at www.planning.act.gov.au/tools_resources/legislation_plans_registers/plans/territory_plan/approved_variations)
  • Building heights
  • Traffic concerns along Heyson Street
  • Position of the proposed apartments
  • Lack of imagery and modelling of the site
  • Impact on light on surrounding residents
  • Information about commercial use opportunities on the site
  • Driveway widths
  • Continuity and connectivity with adjoining ANU site and Featherston Gardens
  • Stepping and articulation facades, not just a wall of building
  • Retaining mature native trees
  • Compatibility of high-density development with the character of Weston
  • Support for a highly sustainable development
  • Opportunity to integrate with the beauty of Weston and incorporate parklands and vistas
  • Fear of a repeat of Molonglo
Based on your feedback, we would like to personally meet with local residents to clarify their primary concerns and, where applicable, incorporate responsive changes into the development proposal. Village will also liaise with relevant agencies and community stakeholders to respond to community concerns.
Have your say
In the coming days and weeks, we will be making all information available on the website weston.villagebuilding.com.au This will include background information on zoning, updates on the community consultation process going forward, a timeline of events, a summary of community feedback, FAQs, the masterplan and any other relevant documents.
Please bear in mind that work is still being done on the designs and relevant studies, and these will be provided as soon as possible to provide a better insight into our joint vision for the site.
The next open forum will be held in late July and, as we did previously, we will inform all residents via letter, via the website and advertising in local media. We will invite Government representatives and subject-matter experts to address some of your concerns in more detail.
If you are not able to attend this session or want to provide feedback in the meantime, please do so via the Weston Creek Community Council. The details can be found at https://westoncreek.org.au/contact-us/.
I look forward to working with you further on this exciting project to determine the best outcomes for the community as a whole.

Travis Doherty
Village Building Company

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