The Response on Council’s letter to the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank on the Weston Branch Closure

Council wrote to the CEO, Matt Comyn, expressing its deep disappointment with the closure of the Commonwealth Bank Branch at Weston.  A really poor response spending one line addressing the issues that Council raised and then telling people to travel all over Canberra to get to a Branch. Continue reading

Proposed School Bus Travel under the New Network

Council has assembled a list of the probable schools for students in Weston Creek and Molonglo and the buses routes proposed by Transport Canberra in the new bus Network to start in early 2019 – see below A reminder too that Consultation closes on 12 August on the new Network proposals.  Please have your say at Council will have its… Continue reading

Our Community believes that it is the responsibility of the Government of Australia to fully fund these Institutions.

Over the years we have seen a relentless drive by successive Governments to diminish these Institutions through continued budget reductions whether they be through the so-called “efficiency dividend” or other cuts. Our community believes that there is a Community Service Obligation on the Parliament of Australia and its Members and Senators to fully fund these Institutions to enable them to operate for the benefit of all Australians. Continue reading

Council disagrees with the splitting of Woden in the Proposed new Electorates in the ACT

The proposed boundaries split the Woden Valley into two electorates. This has been catastrophic for the Woden Town Centre where, under the ACT Electorate boundaries for at least 8 years, the District was split in two as is proposed here by this Re-distribution. With the ACT Electorate changes finally putting Woden back together again in 2016, it would be tragic for the Federal Re-Distribution to again split this community. The suburbs of Lyons, Curtin, Hughes, Garran and Phillip should be included in the electorate of Bean.

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