WCCC Submission on draft changes to the Territory Plan for the Mr Fluffy scheme

The Weston Creek Community Council has written to the Standing Committee on Planning, Environment and Territory and Municipal Services detailing its disagreement with proposed variation to the Territory Plan relating to the Mr Fluffy scheme.  In particular the WCCC does not agree that the proposed changes are modest.  The changes have the potential by considerably altering pockets within suburbs to… Continue reading

Bonfire night makes a fiery comeback at Weston Creek

Canberra hosted its first Winter Farewell Bonfire Festival at the old Weston Creek school playing fields on the weekend, with hundreds of families turning out to enjoy some old-fashioned fun. The event organised by the Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) and the ACT Government was to farewell the winter chill and welcome the spring. Chris Leach brought his family from… Continue reading

ACT Basin Priority Project

Council received a second briefing on the ACT Basin Priority project at last Wednesday’s [29 July 15] Public Meeting.  This Project is a joint ACT and Commonwealth Project to improve long term water quality in the ACT and Murrumbidgee River systems.  In essence there are 6 regions being looked at and Weston Creek and Molonglo are part of the Lower… Continue reading

Winter Farewell Festival-Weston Creek Saturday 15 Aug

Cast off the winter blues and welcome the coming of Spring at Canberra’s first ever ‘Winter Farewell Festival’.   Organised by Weston Creek Community Council, in partnership with the ACT Government the festival is being held on Saturday 15 August at the old Weston Creek Primary School Playing Fields. A huge bonfire, music, food and drink and lots of activities for… Continue reading

CHAPMAN Development Application: 201527948 Address: 3 SIDAWAY STREET Block: 15 Section: 35

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING-DEMOLITION-LEASE VARIATION-4 NEW DWELLINGS. Proposed demolition of existing house and garage, construction of 4 new townhouses with attached garages. Please see application form for full description of lease variation proposal.  Period for representations closes: 14/08/2015 Click here to view the plans Continue reading

What do you want for Weston Creek – SURVEY

What do Weston Creek residents consider important for the ACT Government to do for the Weston Creek community? This survey seeks to gain resident’s views to help form the debate about what is require in Weston Creek as a prelude to the next ACT Elections in 2016. (best on Tablet/iPad or computer). Continue reading

ACT Budget’s impact on Weston Creek

The latest ACT Government Budget media release states that the Government is making significant investment in sport for Woden and Weston Creek, including with $6.6 million allocated for a state-of-the-art synthetic football facility at Melrose High School. The field will be FIFA-accredited, complete with a pavilion and lights. Phillip Oval will also be enhanced to a national standard with a $4.6… Continue reading

Light Rail Presentation – Public Meeting 29 April 2015

The Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the ACT Assembly, Alistair Coe, made a presentation on Light Rail and the ACTION Bus Network at last night’s meeting. He highlighted the costs of the proposed Light Rail development and what the costs would likely be for each household in Weston Creek. he did say that if a Liberal Government were elected… Continue reading

Weston/Molonglo Petrol Station

Following a recent WCCC monthly meeting the Land Development Agency undertook to provide to residents the LDA Site Selection and Commercial Feasibility Report (with appendix) regarding second petrol station. Please note, a cover letter with clarifications is attached to the front of the report. The documents are somewhat lengthy, hence the 3 separate files: Site Selection and Commercial Feasibility; Appendix… Continue reading