Canberra Town Planning submission: Stirling Labor Club and adjacent open space

While reviewing the submissions lodged with the ACT Government’s Planning Directorate during the consultation phase of the development of the new Territory Plan and District Strategies we noticed the submission linked below suggesting the Canberra Labor Club’s Stirling site and adjacent lands could be considered for some densification. It is important to consider the potential loss of facilities in conjunction… Continue reading

Newsletter March 2023

Council invites the Weston Creek community to the 29 March 2023 Public Meeting which will focus on the Justice and Community Safety Directorate’s for a combined Emergency Services Centre on Block 2 Section 58 Duffy. You may recall this issue was flagged at the February 2023 meeting and attracted significant commentary. We will also discuss Council’s proposed submission to the… Continue reading

Updated District Strategy Maps for Weston Creek

The Territory Planning Officers have been able to prepare us some higher resolution maps to assist our considerations of the proposed district strategies. These maps will allow you to zoom in further, and also include the names on key streets and avenues to help users orientate themselves better.  The high-resolution maps do not provide representation of changes at a block… Continue reading

February 2023 Newsletter

Council invites the Weston Creek community to the 22 February 2023 Public Meeting which will focus on the move towards electrifying the ACT, with a presentation by the Sub Zero ACT Community Group. We will also discuss Council’s proposed response to the draft District Strategies and Territory Plan. Continue reading

20th Anniversary of the 2003 Canberra Bushfire

The Minister for Emergency Services has invited the community to visit the bushfire memorial on 18 January 2023 to pay their respects to those affected and acknowledge those involved in the immediate response and recovery efforts. There will be a commemorative event commencing from 6:30- 8.00pm (see details in document below). Council acknowledges the Minister’s efforts in ensuring this event is… Continue reading

Bus Service Changes From 30 Jan 23

You may have noticed the Government quietly posted revised bus timetables and service arrangements on the Transport Canberra website (…/new-timetable-for…) on Monday. Alternatively, you may have easily missed it. Council is unimpressed that we found out about these changes through the media, rather than by targeted local consultation by Transport Canberra as is the usual case. While there are some… Continue reading

Feedback for draft district strategies and draft new Territory Plan – Consultation extended

Council, and other groups and individuals emphatically told the Planning Directorate that the consultation period for considering the draft district strategies and draft new Territory Plan were unreasonable. The Planning Directorate has this afternoon advised the new closing date is Friday 3 March 2023 (see email below). We again encourage as many people as possible to submit comments into this important work. Continue reading