Radio Interview – Weston/Molonglo

An estimated 30,000 people live in Weston Creek and the newly built suburbs of Wright and Coombs next door.  However the residents in the new areas of Molonglo have no local shops or a service station, and most drive about ten minutes to Coolamon Court in Weston Creek to stock up. The chair of Weston Creek Community Council Tom Anderson… Continue reading

Public housing in Coombs

Coombs is the first Canberra suburb to have its public housing planned from the outset and the ACT government aims to have it built by Christmas next year. The Land Development Agency has submitted plans to construct 158 units on seven separate sites across the new suburb on the Molonglo River. Four of the seven proposed multi-unit development applications under review… Continue reading

Weston/Molonglo Petrol Station

Following a recent WCCC monthly meeting the Land Development Agency undertook to provide to residents the LDA Site Selection and Commercial Feasibility Report (with appendix) regarding second petrol station. Please note, a cover letter with clarifications is attached to the front of the report. The documents are somewhat lengthy, hence the 3 separate files: Site Selection and Commercial Feasibility; Appendix… Continue reading

Comments on Development Application 201222276 Streeton Drive Holder Block 1 Section47

The Weston Creek Community Council understands and appreciates the need for a widening and upgrade of the Cotter Road/John Gorton Drive in order to accommodate the anticipated increased traffic generated by the development of the Molonglo suburbs.… Continue reading