COTA program for Aged Job Seekers.

Are you over 50, looking for work and finding it a little difficult?  Maybe you’ve been out of the workforce for a while as a carer, or been recently retrenched – or maybe there are other factors which make it hard to crack the Canberra job market.  COTA ACT is now taking applications for the Mature-Aged Job Seeker Support Program, starting… Continue reading

Submission on Master Plan for the Stromlo Forest Park

The Weston Creek Community Council welcomes the latest Master Plan for the Stromlo Forest Park.  The new swimming pool would be a welcome addition for all residents of Weston Creek and Molonglo and the road cycling proposal around Mt Stromlo will make life safer for many cyclists who now ride on the roads but we need to ensure that other current users, equestrians,… Continue reading

ActewAGL takes flight to inspect its network

 ActewAGL will be carrying out helicopter inspections of overhead powerlines from Thursday 4 February across parts of Canberra. The patrols will run until 25 February (weather permitting), and are an essential part of ActewAGL’s vegetation management and asset management program. ActewAGL Manager Works Delivery Clinton McAlister said, “The helicopter patrol is a significant part of our overall network maintenance program… Continue reading

The latest on crime in Weston Creek

The latest crime statistics for Weston Creek show that in the past two years that there has been a marked rise in assaults (both physical and sexual) but no homicide deaths.  And while property and car thefts and burglaries are also on the rise there has been a reduction in robberies.  While there was increasing crime rate trend, when viewed… Continue reading

Development causes Weston Creek community to feel overlooked

The Weston Creek Community Council is disappointed by the approval of a 21-dwelling medium density development planned for Featherston Ridge in Weston. The $7.7 million Bellette Street project is proposed for a block within the Defence Housing Australia estate sold to private developers in mid-2015. Public submissions on the plans took issue with the 7.6 metre building height and the… Continue reading

Proposed changes to distance vegetation must be kept from electricity poles and wires – invitation to community forums

ActewAGL Distribution is proposing to the ACT Government that changes be made to the regulations that govern the required distance that vegetation must be kept from electricity infrastructure in the ACT. Vegetation clearances are an important part of ActewAGL Distribution’s Bushfire Management Strategy that helps to ensure the safety of our community during bushfire season. ActewAGL are proposing to change the… Continue reading

Prescribed burns begin in the ACT/Weston 16-18 Jan 15

The ACT Parks and Conservation Service wishes to advise the public that a number of prescribed burns will take place in the ACT over the coming days (16-18 Jan 16). Tomorrow, Saturday 16 January 2016, a six hectare prescribed burn will commence near Shakespeare Crescent and Rogers Street, Fraser. In addition two small burn areas (eight hectares and seven hectares)… Continue reading