Proposed School Bus Travel under the New Network

Council has assembled a list of the probable schools for students in Weston Creek and Molonglo and the buses routes proposed by Transport Canberra in the new bus Network to start in early 2019 – see below A reminder too that Consultation closes on 12 August on the new Network proposals.  Please have your say at Council will have its… Continue reading

Housing Choices Project Update

A Housing Choices Collaboration Hub was established in May 2018 with an independently selected representative group of 35 ACT citizens. The Collaboration Hub met five times over three months to consider the consultation report, and also had access to all of the individual written submissions received. The aim of the Collaboration Hub was to write a recommendations report on ways… Continue reading

ACT Budget – Rates, Cost of Living & Flexible Bus

The cost of living pressures are an issue for many older citizens. As announced several months ago, there will be a $50 increase to the utilities concession from 1 July 2018 taking the total payment to $654 a year. With winter upon us it is hoped this will provide some relief for households managing their winter energy consumption, especially those… Continue reading

Development of ‘old AFP’ Site – Next Meeting

The Village Building Company will be presenting their updated plans for their proposed development of the “old AFP Site” on Streeton Drive and Heysen Street in Weston at the next Public Meeting of the Weston Creek Community Council on Wednesday 25 July. THE VENUE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THE CHAPMAN PRIMARY SCHOOL HALL IN PERRY DRIVE CHAPMAN at 7.30 PM. Continue reading