A Disappointing Response from Minister Gentleman on the Coombs Shops

Council has finally received a response to its letter of 11 March. Waiting for over 3 months for a letter that provides no answer to the Coombs Shops debacle really does disappoint. The answer is wait for Koko to open at the end of probably 2021, another 18 months away, and the future Molonglo Group Centre sometime in the future. There is really nothing in the letter to give anything positive to the residents. Read the letter here Continue reading

Minister Steel responds on the Molonglo Bridge

Minister Chris Steel has responded to our letter to bring forward the building of the Bridge over the Molonglo River. While seeing and agreeing with the benefits Council outlined, the Minister has stated that Given the early stages this project is in and the significant amount of design work that is still required before it can progress further, the Government… Continue reading

Development Application lodged for the “Temporary” Car Park at Cooleman Court

Despite Council writing to Minister Steel advising him that the now 65 car park spaces could be found from a review of the current parking in and around Cooleman Court, Government has gone ahead and lodged a Development Application.  We would encourage you to lodge comments on this proposal pointing out that there is no need for it now. Continue reading