From time to time Council receives correspondence that addresses issues that Council has previously dealt with. This one relates to calming devices placed on roads in Chapman. The letter reads [the name of the sender has been omitted]:
Dear Tom,
You should be impeached for your failure to get the officially placed steel bumps in the main roads in Chapman removed.
My ageing parents say they are causing damage to their car, damage to themselves, and serve no useful purpose. I have been told that there are several such humps down the road from where you live.
Instead of conducting monthly talkfests in Weston that are of no interest to anyone but yourself, it’s about time you displayed some practicality and undertook what a big majority of the local citizenry want.
So get those steel bumps removed pronto, or face impeachment.
Comment: The issue off ‘traffic calming’ or ‘speed bumps’ is one that has been around for many years. A search of the WCCC website will show there are some 46 references to the devices over the years. At the end there has been significant community consultation and strong support for their use.
Roads ACT advise the following
We have investigated the matter and provide the following response to your enquiry.
There is extensive information on the website in relation to the Residential Street Improvement Program (RSIP), its background and objectives.
TCCS is currently reviewing all masterplans from the website which also includes Perry Drive in Chapman. This work is due for completion this financial year.
As a result of this review, an improvement program of the high priority streets will be established for future consideration.
In the last year’s implementation of the RSIP, TCCS have installed traffic calming devices on Perry Drive and Thring Street to reduce the travel speeds in the area around the Chapman Primary School and discourage through traffic using Perry Drive as a link between Darwinia Terrace and Namtjira Drive.
Of course, individuals can always make representations to TCCS or the Minister responsible, Ms Meegan Fitzharris, Minister for Transport and City Services.