Temporary Car Park not to proceed at Watling Place

The ACT Government today announced that the temporary Car park proposed for Watling place would not proceed. Council welcomes this decision as the proposed number of car parking spaces was continually reduced to now some 56 spaces which council believes can be found in some adjustment o time limits around Cooleman Court. We look forward to an engaging community consultation process for the upgrade of Brierly Street

The full release can be read here

Decision made on future of temporary car park at Cooleman Court

Plans to build a new temporary car park on the corner of Brierly Street and Parkinson St in Weston Creek will not proceed, with the funding provided to upgrade nearby Brierly Street in consultation with the community.

“Planning for the temporary car park at Cooleman Court began in response to calls from Weston Creek residents and businesses for the ACT Government to provide additional parking to improve access to the shops and health services and to address the findings of the Weston Group Centre Master Plan,” said Minister for Transport and City Services, Chris Steel.

The original car park design was significantly revised in response to feedback, which saw the car park size halved, decreasing the impact on nearby homes and would have only seen one tree removed with more trees and shrubs planted.

“Whilst the DA was approved for the revised plans, it has been clear through the subsequent appeals to ACAT and other representations that the temporary car park does not have support. That is why the ACT Government has decided not to proceed with construction of the temporary car park.”

Minister Steel acknowledged continuing concerns raised by the community about a lack of parking and access at Cooleman Court would still remain, reflecting the issues raised in the 2014 Master Plan. The Master Plan for the Weston Group Centre said ‘that there will be an increased demand for car parking and public transport during the transitional period while Molonglo Valley residents use the Weston group centre’ and the that ‘the larger surface car parks are under pressure at peak times’.

“The issue of car parking is not going to go away Cooleman Court, however the ACT Government will still construct access improvements to the existing car park at Dillon Close as well as a pedestrian crossing on Parkinson Street and a speed hump on Liardet Street supporting the recommendations of the Master Plan.”

“The remaining funding will be instead be reallocated to the design of upgrades to Weston Creek’s main street (Brierly Street) to deliver on Labor’s election commitment, in consultation with the Weston Creek community.”

Statement ends

Media contact/s:
Anton Gallacher T (02) 6207 3795 M 0422 574 108 anton.gallacher@act.gov.au

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