The community working group to oversee the transformation of the current gardens at the former CIT School of Horticulture into Weston Creek’s premier park is starting to take shape. Kerstin Linton, one of the residents who fought for the retention of the gardens which had been pencilled in as a site for high rise apartments, will chair the new committee. She said she had already received correspondence from a number of Weston Creek residents eager to lend a hand. “We have 12 peple on our working group already, and some community groups have also indicated they are keen to help,” Ms Linto said.
“We are looking to meet with the government soon to work out what they are goinf to do at tghe site, and what we can do, and then get to work.
“We’ve got a big job ahead of us and we need to start now while the movement is there.”
She said a number of issues needed to be cleared up with the government, including insurance, access to the site and facilities to be installed.
Ms Linto said she didn’t think the park needed any major landscaping undertaken before it was open.
“The landscape is inplace, it just needs to be mainatined,” she said.
“We don’t need to bulldoze it and start again, we need lots of people on their hands and knees clearing paths and pulling weeds.”
It is the aim of the new working groupto have the park in open in time for the autumn festival next year.
People interestede in becoming involved with the park’s working committee can contact Ms Lintomn through the WCCC contact form.
By Peter Reynolds
South Chronicle
6 Apr 2010