Weston Service Station DA

In a broad sense, WCCC welcomes the proposal as another service station is badly needed . However, Council considers that they cannot support the current DA in its present form as there are too many issues with both the size of the development and traffic issues Continue reading

European Wasp Warning

Council has received the following information from Jenny Connoly (Invasive Species Officer, City Services) regarding the current European Wasp situation in the ACT. Please heed the warning and be cautious as these wasps are aggressive and the consequences from multiple wasp stings are very serious indeed. The ACT is currently experiencing a very dangerous European Wasp season. The wasps are… Continue reading

Only Rain Down the Drain

Everything that goes down the stormwater drain ends up in our lakes and rivers. Poor water quality affects everyone, including our local wildlife. As part of a new education program called H2OK: Keeping our waterways healthy, Canberrans and residents in the surrounding regions are being called on to take action and help stop rubbish and other pollutants going down the… Continue reading

Green Bin Trial

First you had to express an interest NOW it is time to register. SO sign up now. Residents living in the suburbs of Chapman, Duffy, Fisher, Holder, Rivett, Stirling, Waramanga, Weston and Kambah are now able to register to be part of the pilot. Residents who opt-in to register will receive a 240 litre lime-green lidded green waste bin starting… Continue reading