Boosting community infrastructure in our suburbs

Tom Anderson talking on ABC Radio regarding the additional 150 car spaces at Cooleman Court announced today as part of the 2019 ACT Budget.  But, as of today (31 May 19) there is no indication where these new spaces will be at Cooleman Court.

ACT Government Media Statement – 31 May 19

Boosting community infrastructure in our suburbs

Through the 2019-20 ACT Budget we are investing in the community infrastructure that gives our town centres and suburbs their unique character and makes Canberra such a great place to live.

We will start work on a new community centre for Woden, and deliver upgrades to three other local community centres. We will also deliver new and upgraded play spaces, childcare centres and car parks across this city so Canberrans have more vibrant places to connect, participate and access services.

We are backing the Woden Community Centre project, with funding for the feasibility and design of a new community facility to meet the needs of the Woden community. The centre will provide a new home for Woden Community Service to deliver a range of integrated services, as well as a community space for activities and events including the arts. The design and service offerings will be informed by ongoing engagement with the Woden community.

We will also undertake minor upgrades to the existing community centres and childcare centres to improve amenities and provide better access for all visitors. This will include roof repairs and upgrades at the Maitland Centre in Hackett, refurbishment of the Spence Children’s Cottage, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades at Mount Rogers Community Centre to improve the environment for children and staff.

Across every region in the ACT, we will deliver better playgrounds with new play experiences for younger Canberrans. This will include providing over $2 million for the Richardson, Waramanga, Torrens, Narrabundah and Higgins playgrounds, to deliver a better mix of equipment and activities that cater to more ages, abilities and play styles. The designs will be based on consultation with the community as part of play space reviews underway in these suburbs.

Families in Gungahlin and Tuggeranong will also benefit from new natural play spaces near Yerrabi Pond and the Kambah Adventure Playground. These new play spaces will provide creative and imaginative experiences for children, using elements from the landscape like logs and rocks to encourage children to climb, jump and explore.

As Gungahlin and Molonglo continue to grow the community has told us that parking has become more difficult at key shopping centres.

To make it easier for Weston Creek and Molonglo residents to access Cooleman Court, we will establish a new car park there with up to 150 parking spaces. This will improve access to local shops and services for people in the region while the planned group centre in Molonglo is built. This new capacity will also provide additional parking close to public transport and the new nurse-led walk-in centre opening soon.

At the Palmerston shops, we will continue upgrades to the parking areas and provide up to 25 new spaces. This will particularly make it easier for residents to access their local shops during pick up and drop off times at the nearby school.

Our playgrounds, community centres and local shops are hubs for Canberrans to come together. Through the 2019-20 ACT Budget we are investing to strengthen this local infrastructure across Canberra as our community continues to grow.

Statement ends

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