The next Public Meeting of the Weston Creek Community Council will be held on Wednesday 25th September at the Weston Club at 7.30 pm. We are pleased to have Mr Paul Peters, the Executive Director of Roads and Public Transport for Territory and Municipal Services coming to speak to us. This is very timely as we have just seen the release of the proposed new ACTION Bus Network for 2014 with new routes for Weston Creek and Molonglo. It is also timely with the continuance of roadworks all around us.
In May I wrote “Roadworks, roadworks and more roadworks. When are they likely to end? Not in the foreseeable future I am sad to say.” Sadly some 4 months later nothing seems to have changed. It continues to be chaotic to leave Weston Creek of a weekday morning and that is the major issue at the moment for residents in Weston Creek. We have the ongoing work on the duplication of the Cotter Road from Yarralumla Creek to Dunrossil Drive – this looks to be getting close to finishing, the work on the intersections of the Cotter Road and Streeton Drive and the re-alignment of Unwin Place and Dixon Drive as well as the delays in the work on the Hilder/Heysen Streets intersection which is now due to be completed by the end of October, some 12 weeks late. Hopefully Mr Peters can shed some light on all of this for us.
It is pleasing to be back from my time away and I am honoured that I have again been given the privilege of being Chair of the Weston Creek Community Council for the coming year. I thank the community for this and I would also like to thank my fellow committee members for continuing on the Council with me. We are looking to another busy year. But please remember that we still need new members on our Committee.
I was personally disappointed with the Woden Weston Creek Community Hub Study as were most of you who attended last month’s Public Meeting. I think we all fail to see the relevance of including Weston Creek in the study when it was to replace/consolidate a number of centres and services currently servicing the Woden District including the Lollipop Childcare Centre, the Woden Community Centre, Woden Community Services, Woden Library, Woden Seniors Club and the Woden Youth Centre. We shall see what the outcome will be of this.
It was good to see that progress looks like being made on a second petrol station for Weston Creek. It seems that the petition started by our Federal Member, Ms Gai Brodtmann has worked. Let us hope that work can progress quickly to ease the sometimes chaotic state of Brierley Street as we all queue for petrol.
Lastly, it is worrying that the Draft Master Plan for the Weston Group Centre has not been released as yet and we have no time frame now as to when this is likely to be released. It just seems to have been placed on the backburner and yet it is so important for our community.
To keep up to date with all issues affecting Weston Creek please monitor the Weston Creek Community Council’s website at .
Tom Anderson
From The Southside Chronicle 17 Sep 13