Stronger Communities Grants – Does your community organisation have a project which could benefit from funding?

Community_Grants-_SmallExpressions of interest are being sought for grants under the Stronger Communities Program. The program asks Members of Parliament to engage with their electorate to recommend funding for capital projects that improve community participation and contribute to the vibrancy and viability of the community.

Announced in the 2015 Federal Budget, the grants program will deliver $150,000 per year for two years to fund small capital projects in the electorate of Canberra.   Grants of between $5000 and $20,000 are available for capital projects, but to be eligible the projects require matched contributions in cash or in kind on at least a dollar by dollar basis.

Expressions of interest for grants in Round 1 are now open and have been extended until 18 September 2015.   Round 2 of the programme will commence early in 2016.

If your group or organisation would like to apply for a grant then useful information on the program together with the Expression of Interest Form can be found on the website for the Member for Canberra, Gai Brodtmann MP .

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