November 2022 Newsletter

Council invites the Weston Creek community to the 30 November 2022 public meeting which will focus on Planning Matters in Weston Creek. Senior executives from the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate will be attending to outline the proposed District Planning Strategies. Emma Davidson Murrumbidgee MLA will be accompanied by Minister Rebecca Vasserotti and Jo Clay MLA to discuss their understanding of the Western Edge Investigations. We have also arranged for the Greater Canberra Community Group (represented by Deputy Convener, Eben Leifer) to participate and discuss their views on the planning processes as well as provide an overview of their group.




 The meeting will be webcast live via our Facebook pages. Questions that we receive will be presented to the speakers. Please let us know your question in advance by email or the Facebook pages.


We should start by acknowledging the significant efforts of emergency service workers and the Evo Energy crews working during the aftermath of the storm on Sunday to restore services to the Community as soon as possible. The increasing incidence of adverse weather events and the flow on effect to the community is something that needs to be front of mind in considerations about how Weston Creek will look into the future. It is timely that this month’s public meeting is focusing on planning, with discussions about the proposed District Strategies and the Western Edge Investigations occurring. We will also have some discussion on housing affordability.

Still on planning, Council lodged a substantive submission on the Planning Bill with the Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services. The submission included (as an attachment) the feedback Council had provided during the earlier consultation process. Council’s view is best summarized by the statement that the draft Bill does not provide for the good ongoing stewardship of ACT Land and should be withdrawn. Council has been invited to appear before the Committee on Tuesday 6 December 2022. Council’s Submission can be found at:

The Government has also commenced engagement on the draft District Strategies arising from the new Planning Bill. The presentation by senior directorate staff on Wednesday evening will provide an introduction. On Monday 5 December there will be 3 opportunities to engage with the Directorate and we encourage participation. There is also a chance to provide your feedback at

We will provide full details on our website and Facebook pages shortly.

Council also participated in the Legislative Assembly’s Justice and Community Safety Standing Committee Inquiry on Dangerous Driving, through both a Submission and participation in hearings on 26 October 2022. The Legislative Assembly website contains Council’s submission ( and video recording and transcripts from the hearings can also be accessed at (

Council’s testimony to the Hearing was based on feedback we had been receiving over a long period of time, and our desired outcome was for the dangerous driving we see on our streets to be stopped through legislative changes and increased police presence. Following the hearing, the Government has already foreshadowed some changes to the laws around dangerous driving (see: Further changes have also been foreshadowed.

There is certainly a lot of infrastructure development occurring at present, such as the raising of London Circuit, the Woden Town Centre projects (including the bus interchange and CIT construction) as well as the Canberra Hospital development. And there is more to come. We are receiving feedback that the temporary arrangements in place are not that well communicated and are creating unnecessary inconvenience. Council has been trying to engage with the Major Projects Team in the ACT Government to see if we can get clearer guidance on their plans and suggest some better approaches. Of particular concern is ensuring good access to the Hospital Campus.

Council has had two very positive engagement activities in recent weeks. Firstly, we organised a discussion forum on women’s safety chaired by Emma Davidson MLA on Monday 24 October 2022, at the Weston Creek Community Hub. This was preceded by a short electronic survey designed to set the scene. A small group assembled on the evening and discussed the issues as they saw them. A report will be published shortly. We understand a few intending participants were unable to find the designated room and we apologise for the inconvenience caused. We intend to use the venue again for workshop style activities and will erect a large banner in a prominent place in future.

We also held the garden party event in Fetherston Gardens on Sunday, 30 October 2022, with over 200 people attending and enjoying the wonderful spring weather. The day really highlighted the special nature of Fetherston Gardens and the work the volunteers have put into its restoration. We need to acknowledge the support of the Weston Creek Community Association (Managers of the Community Hall and Weston Neighbourhood Centre) for its support in sponsoring the live band, the Canberra Airport Group for providing the marquees, the Fetherston Gardens Friends’ for making the gardens available and the fantastic garden stall. The event was also a Queen’s Jubilee event and the Hon David Smith MP led the official part of the proceeding. We will be loading some video and photos of the day to our website soon.

Your Council Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone in our Community and safe and pleasant holiday break, after the very eventful year just gone. We look forward to entering the next year with recharged batteries and hopefully calmer weather.


The Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) continues to be a forum for residents to meet, share ideas and to convey concerns to government. We are non-partisan, advocating for the best services and facilities for the people of Weston Creek. To continue to function successfully we need community input and feedback.

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