Inquiry into EV Adoption in the ACT


 The Legislative Assembly of the Australian Capital Territory has a Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services with members Jo Clay MLA (Chair), Suzanne Orr MLA (Deputy Chair), and Mark Parton MLA.


 That the Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services inquire into barriers to EV uptake and solutions and incentives to encourage uptake in the Territory, including:

  1. Skills development needs to support an expanding EV uptake
  2. Industry development opportunities
  3. Planning laws and regulations and education and promotions in relation to charging infrastructure requirements in a variety of residential, public and commercial configurations and precincts
  4. ACT Government’s role in providing charging infrastructure
  5. Regional charging infrastructure and whether this is a barrier to local uptake, end-of-life battery disposal, and impact of EVs on ACT power supply requirements and vehicle-to-grid issues
  6. Application of Territory taxes and charges for EV purchases including registration charges
  7. Federal taxes and charges for EV purchases, including import taxes
  8. Other Federal barriers to EV uptake, cost, and availability of EVs, including fuel efficiency standards, impact of EV uptake on existing motor and service industry sectors including possible transition assistance, equity and just-transition issues for people on lower incomes

Any other matter relevant to this issue.

 Weston Creek Community Council wants to hear your views on what is important to you.

If you would like to add any comments for the WCCC submission, please let us know via the WCCC website, Facebook pages or email

by COB Friday 30 July 2022.

 Alternatively, through to 5pm on 6 August 2022, you can personally provide your thoughts and ideas through the following options. There are few rules for submissions, only that they must be relevant, written and received before the closing date.  Include your name, phone number, and postal and email addresses, before sending your submission in either digital or physical form to one of these addresses:

  • By email (preferred):
  • By post: Standing Committee on Planning, Transport, and City Services, ACT Legislative Assembly, GPO Box 1020, Canberra ACT 2601
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