Proposal: PUBLIC WORKS – ROAD UPGRADE. Proposed upgrade of Streeton Drive between Cotter Road and Unwin Place/ Dixon Drive to form part of the overall Molonglo Stage 1 upgrade project. Works to include:- a) the reconstruction of 575m of dual carriageway road along Cotter Road; b) the reconstruction of 360m of dual carriageway road along Streeton Drive; c) the realiagnment and signalisation of the present stagered intersection of Unwin Place and Dixon Drive with Streeton Drive (300m) d) the relocation of affected utility services e) the construction of road crossings for North Weston Pond 400mm dia recycle rising main Period for representations closes: 07/11/2012
HOLDER Development Application: 201222276 Address: STREETON DRIVE Block: 1 Section: 47
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