Public Meeting & AGM

Event Details

Our next Public Meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 August at 7.30 pm at the Raiders Club in Weston.  We will have a presentation by the ACT Parks and Conservation Service on The Molonglo River Reserve Plan.  It will also be our Annual General Meeting. (click for map).

Other Happenings

Last month there was a good Presentation and Discussion on the ACT Government “Your Say Community Panel” which is of interest to everyone who lives in Canberra.

Proposed new Car Parks at Cooleman Court

We have written to Minister Steel in relation to the proposed 150 temporary car parking places provided on the open space behind the Bus Stop on Parkinson Street and are meeting with the Minister on 4 September on this and other issues.

Service Station Open on the Cotter Road

After a 7 year wait from when we started lobbying for a new Service Station in the area, the Service Station adjacent to the RSPCA has finally opened.

New Bus Network:

We have met with Transport officials and sought better signage for the Bus stops on Parkinson Street, better spacing of the buses going to and from Tuggeranong, dedicated bus bays at Woden for Weston Creek and a review of passenger numbers on the Rapid Services at Peak times to see if bigger buses can be provided.

We are always wanting to hear how the new Bus Network is operating both from the commuter’s perspective but also from the School children perspective.

Meetings with Politicians:

Council has been busy with Meetings and has met with David Smith MP and Bec Cody MLA and has meetings arranged so far with Caroline Le Couteur MLA and Minister Steel.  We are also looking to meet with both Jeremy Hanson MLA and Giulia Jones MLA.

Open Day Holder Wetlands – Sunday 11 August

The Open Day at the new Holder Wetlands on Sunday 11thAugust was a success. We will see if a New Holder Wetlands Carers Group can be formed.

Developments in Molonglo

We are pleased to see the positive move by the Capital Airport Group to maintain the Supermarket at the Denman Shops.  This is very important for the Molonglo Community.

ACTPLA has refused the Development Applications for the Koko development and the KFC proposal while also refusing the request for Re-consideration of the POD proposal in Coombs.

Get in Touch:

If there are issues that you wish to raise or discuss, please phone the Council on 6288-8975. Otherwise, to keep-up-to-date with all issues affecting Weston Creek, please monitor the Weston Creek Community Council’s website at or follow us on Facebook. 

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