In short, Council welcomes moves to increase the supply of supportive housing in Weston Creek, but suggests the ACT government assist the proponent to identify a more suitable location in the Weston Creek area.
Council questions why Supportive Housing should be built on this block of land which is within the Bushfire Prone Area as outlined in the Map of the Strategic Bushfire Management Plan. This block is at the interface of the suburban area of Chapman and open rural land and where the 2003 January bushfire commenced its attack on housing in Chapman and Rivett.
I am similarly worried about bushfire awareness for more vulnerable residents in Molonglo Valley public housing homes.
I support the WCCC in its efforts to relocate Hartley Lifecare supportive housing to a more suitable location in the Weston Creek away from the bushfire prone area.
As a volunteer in the disability sector for more than 30 years I have a good understanding of the vulnerability of some of our Molonglo Valley public housing residents and those in the proposed Chapman supportive housing facility.
I would say if the Molonglo is hit by bushfire as it was in 2003 with the number of able adults away at work from the MV during the day, our more vulnerable residents will have little chance of evacuation. Some even unaware of fire threat.