Weston Creek residents and business owners are invited to join ACT Government Ministers as part of Cabinet in the Community in Stirling, on Saturday 17 April from 10.30am to 12.00pm at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (main hall), 51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling, ACT
Weston Creek residents and business owners are invited to join ACT Government Ministers as part of Cabinet in the Community in Stirling, on Saturday 17 April from 10.30am to 12.00pm at the Centre for Teaching and Learning (main hall), 51 Fremantle Drive, Stirling, ACT.
This is an opportunity for residents to meet informally with Ministers over morning tea and is another way Canberrans can share their views and suggestions about things that are important to them and their families.
It is an opportunity to raise issues of local importance and for the ACT Government Ministers to discuss initiatives in Woden Valley and Weston Creek.
Representatives from ACT Government departments at the Woden/Weston Cabinet in the Community will provide information about:
- the Molonglo Valley development;
- a new site for the Islamic School of Canberra in Weston Creek;
- the upgrade of Stirling district playing fields;
- the restoration of Eddison Park Pond;
- the construction of a new pond in the North Weston precinct;
- the release of Woden Green apartments;
- the new Fisher Family Practice;
- the new Performing Arts Theatre at Canberra College;
- land releases,
- disability services,
- policing,
- school improvements and
- road works in Woden Valley and Weston Creek and many other issues.
Come along and take this opportunity to and discuss any issues of importance with the ACT Government Ministers and also find out what’s happening locally.
For more information please phone Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or email GovtSupport@act.gov.au