Petition – Retain the hydrotherapy pool at the Canberra Hospital

The hydrotherapy pool at the Canberra Hospital is due to close in June 2019. Residents living in the Canberra’s south will need to travel to Bruce to access many of the hydrotherapy services which will now be provided at the University of Canberra Hospital. If you would like the ACT Government to keep the hydrotherapy pool at the Canberra Hospital… Continue reading

Electoral Boundaries Redisribution – Submission and Interview

WCCC propose minimal changes to the boundaries to keep within the quota rules for the Electorates.  For Murrumbidgee WCCCproposese moving some 3,500 electors from Kambah back into the Brindabella Electorate. WCCC also proposed moving Evatt, Mackellar and Lawson back into Ginninderra from Yerrabi as well as moving Oaks Estate, beard, Hume and Symonston into Brindabella. Listen WCCC Chair (Tom Anderson)… Continue reading