Update – Help shape Molonglo Valley stage 2

MolongloThe ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) is seeking the community’s ideas for new suburbs in Molonglo Valley stage 2. ACTPLA is to hold a drop-in display and forum on Thursday 24 March 2011

ACTPLA are seeking views, in particular on:

  • housing for 18,000 new residents;
  • a lively commercial centre and employment hub;
  • community open spaces and facilities;
  • safe transport networks for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists; and
  • protecting the natural environment through sustainable energy, water and waste management.

Community display and forum
When: Thursday 24 March 2011

Drop-in any time between 3.00pm – 6.00pm to view the displays and talk with ACTPLA staff and planning consultants or join a community forum from 6.30pm – 8.30pm to discuss key development challenges and possible options for Molonglo Valley stage 2.

Where: St Peters Anglican Church Hall, Parkinson Street, Weston (next to Cooleman Court)
For more information please visit www.actpla.act.gov.au/molonglo email MolongloValleyStage2@act.gov.au or call 6205 5315.

Click here for ACTPLA flyer »…

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