Push for CIT site to become public space

As this column goes to press (Southside Chronicle, 20 Oct 09), Weston Creek residents are preparing for the Weston Creek Community Carnival on this Saturday October 24, from 11am to 4pm (behind Cooleman Court).

As with past years, it will feature live performances and entertainment, community stalls, story telling, rides and much more.

Come along and celebrate what a great community we live in.

The stunning CIT Gardens and Arboretum (off Heysen Street, Weston) have been a well kept secret to many local residents, but that is all about to change.

The ACT Government have confirmed the move of the CIT School of Horticulture to their Bruce complex. This means that a collection of buildings, some beautiful gardens, open lawn and a unique arboretum are now been considered for a different use.

The WCCC has lobbied most strongly in the past for the gardens and arboretum to become a public place, in a sense the district park Weston Creek never had.

The Canberra Islamic School has asked the government if they can purchase the buildings to develop a school to house their pupils, now being accomodated at Watson.

This will be the next topic for discussion on Wednesday evening Novemeber 4 at 7pm, upstairs at the Weston Club (please note the change of date and time).

For more information, email or phone 6288 8975.

Published Southside Chronicle – 20 October 2009, Pg6

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