Transport overhaul for Weston Creek – October 2011 Chronicle

Over coming weeks Weston Creek residents have the chance to input into an important Government transport strategy document, which will guide transport policy and planning in the ACT between now and 2030.

On 7 October the ACT government launched the ‘Transport for Canberra’ Draft Policy for public comment. The draft report along with additional information are available at .

The transport plan includes some welcome proposals relevant to our district, especially with regard to public transport. These include plans for a rapid bus route criss-crossing Weston Creek and Molonglo, with park and ride facilities near the RSPCA and other possible locations.

‘Transport for Canberra’ provides the Weston Creek community with an opportunity to ensure that our area is not yet again forgotten when it comes to regular, reliable and direct public transport that gets people to their destination efficiently, without long waits at interchanges, or ridiculously indirect bus routes – unfortunately the experience to date for many residents.

Given the looming traffic problems about to descend on Weston Creek courtesy of Molonglo, ‘Transport for Canberra’ will also provide a valuable forum for residents’ concerns on this issue to be heard. To minimise traffic impact on our community it’s important that we press for road infrastructure to be designed and built in anticipation of projected demand, rather than after roads are choked to capacity. We must ensure that the experience of Gungahlin, with all its traffic woes and roads built ten years later than needed, is not replicated on our doorstep.

The government is encouraging residents to help shape future transport policy by providing feedback through the website. Submissions or other comments are due by Friday 11 November.

The Weston Creek Community Council will be preparing a submission on behalf of the community, and we’re interested to hear residents’ opinions on the transport plan.

Residents are invited to discuss this issue in detail at our next Community Forum, to be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 26 October at the Weston Club in Liardet Street. Our guest speaker will be one of the authors of ‘Transport for Canberra’, Kristin Blume from the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate. Come along and have your say!!!

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