Public information sessions – Wright and Coombs, Molonglo Valley

The Land Development Agency (LDA) has engaged Cardno Young to undertake the planning, design and documentation of the Wright and Coombs residential estates in Molonglo Valley.

The LDA is also preparing a Riparian Management Strategy to conserve and rehabilitate aquatic and riparian ecosystems adjacent to the suburbs of Coombs and North Weston, while enhancing recreational opportunities and improving amenity for residents and visitors.

The LDA invites the public to view » … the draft Estate Development Plan (EDP) for Wright and Coombs, and provide feedback with regard to the Riparian Management Strategy via two public information sessions to be held at St Peter’s Anglican Church, corner of Parkinson St and Watling Place, Weston ACT.

Drop-in information session one
When: Monday 1 March 2010 (between 3.30pm – 6.30pm)

Drop-in information session two
When: Thursday 4 March 2010 (between 5.00pm – 8.00pm)

If you require further information please contact Joanne Mitchell, Senior Project Manager on 6207 5699 or

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