July 2024 Newsletter

Afternoon all,

We have a meeting coming up on the 25th July 7pm at the Raiders Club Weston.

We have some lovely guest speakers attending, including:

–  Donna Hofmeir, Woden Police Station
who’ll give us a community policing update

Steven Hare, Senior Director for Infrastructure Delivery
who’ll chat with us about some of the local upgrades/repairs etc.

We’ll also have our local MLAs there for a chat on news from the Assembly.

It would be really lovely to see you all at the Club if you can make it.  Until further notice, (and until we have more volunteers) we won’t be live-streaming the meetings. We do hope to have this up for our next meeting.

We’ve listened to a lot of feedback that’s come in through our surveys, via social media and also face-to-face and we’re working hard to develop our relationships with local stakeholders.  One of the overwhelming pieces of feedback from numerous sources was the desire to host some community markets.

We have started to engage our local community and we’ll be hosting the Brierly St Block Party.
This is an outstanding opportunity to have some serious fun in our local neighborhood and to celebrate the small joy of having Brierly St finished.

The event will be held on Saturday September 28 2024 and we have some great community markets being organised.  If you are interested in participating,  we are in the planning stages and are now doing a call out for volunteers, local businesses, sponsors and community groups who’d love to participate and contribute to an awesome day out for our community.

Please get in touch with us if you’d like to participate in any way.

Please not we do not have a Council meeting in June as we’re busy planning but we will have a coffee catchup shortly – keep your eyes peeled on facebook for updates!

Seen you soon,
on behalf of
Weston Creek Community Council


We’re looking for a scribe for our meetings!  This would be ideally suited to a College or Uni Student or a retiree with an interest in community work or civics but yes,
we’ll take anyone!
About 3 hours per month commitment, this position receives an honorarium payment and we’d love to hear from you.

Please get in contact with us at westoncreekcommunitycouncil@gmail.com for more information

We’re putting on a party and you’re all invited! Weston Creek Community Council has been busy popping some ideas together for a Big Ol Block Party, to be held on Saturday September 28 2024.

A local celebration and grass-roots community connecter, we’d love to hear from anyone and everyone who’d like to get on board and help to make this event a success.

If your a volunteer, individual, community group, local business, food vendor or sponsor who would like to get on board, please get in touch with us either via Facebook,  email westoncreekcommunitycouncil@gmail.com or fill out the EOI form below!  We’d love to have everyone on board for this event.

Festival of Nature 2024 – Glorious Grasslands

Last year Landcare ACT hosted our first ever Festival of Nature, encouraging Canberrans to appreciate and connect with the natural wonders of the ACT region.

This year we are back, and keen to showcase the Glorious Grasslands that call this region home! Natural Temperate Grasslands are a critically threatened ecosystem, and this year the Festival aims to support a broad range of Canberrans to connect with nature, learn more about grasslands, appreciate their value and ultimately be supported to continue to engage in conservation activities after the Festival ends.

Throughout September, October and November, the Festival will feature educational and interpretive walks, workshops and events highlighting these features.

A range of Landcare and other environmental groups/organisations will offer a calendar of exciting events unified under the Festival banner, centrally coordinated and promoted by Landcare ACT.

The vision of the Festival is to empower the public to develop a meaningful relationship with nature, encouraging discovery, growth, and participation in ecological restoration activities now and into the future.

Spring to it and join this celebration of nature!

How to get involved

We are seeking volunteer groups to get involved in this exciting project! We want to showcase the fantastic work your groups are doing to support the region’s natural landscapes – grasslands, woodlands, wetlands, and more. We particularly want to include educational components about grasslands and why they are important, opportunities for emotional connection with grasslands and information about ongoing ways to take action.

Many wonderful on-the-ground volunteer groups already run events during this time, such as the myriad of popular bird and wildflower identification walks, we would love to include these events under the festival banner.

We also invite groups to consider hosting new events. This might be an “Open Garden” style tour of your patch, educational talks on the importance of grasslands and woodlands species, or some hands-on workshops (Intro to Citizen Science, Weed Management, or Ecological Restoration).

Alternatively, your group could get involved by creating educational and artistic resources to be shared with the Canberra community. This could be in the form of a poster, brochure, artwork, or video sharing the immense value of these natural communities and species.

We also welcome local environmentally-focused organisations and businesses to participate. If you run a small business or organisation (or know of one) and would like to discuss how you can be involved, we’d love to hear from you.

We encourage you to start thinking about the beautiful natural features you’d love to share with the Canberra community, and maybe start putting a small planning team together. We are so excited to showcase the work Landcarers have been doing to protect, conserve and restore our precious grasslands.

Last year, we were spoiled for choice with over 100+ brilliant events held across the ACT throughout spring. For more event ideas, check out our Facebook page where we shared events last season!

Please register an event or send through ideas and questions via this form before Friday 16 August.

Upcoming Dates

Next Public Meetings:

25th July 2024 – 7pm – Raiders Club Weston
22nd August 2024 – 7pm – Raiders Club Weston
25th September 2024 – 7pm Irish Club  – Election Forum TBC
24th October 2024 – AGM

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