Draft Pre-Development Guidelines

Here is your chance to make comment on the consultation required of Developers.

The Planning and Land Authority is making a commendable effort to revise the guidelines applying to developers when they are required to consult with the community.

We are talking about consultation before a Development Application is submitted which is when the community can talk to a developer and make positive suggestions about improvements to a plan. One can also make negative comments but it is always helpful to provide a possible solution.

The proposed guidelines detail what consultation must occur and suggest how it can be carried out. As you will be aware many large building both residential and commercial are being constructed. These ‘prescribed developments’ are the target of these draft guidelines. It is encouraging to note that a specific height above finished  ground level of a building is mentioned rather than just the number of storeys.

Please take the time to read this short presentation and make comment to the Weston Creek Community Council at info@www.westoncreek.org.au or directly to the government on the addresses provided in the presentation documents.

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