The Weston Creek Community Council (WCCC) will hold its Annual General Meeting for 2012-2013 on Wednesday, 28 August 2013, at 7.30 pm, at the Weston Club, 1 Liardet St, Weston. Have you thought of standing for the Committee?
Guest speaker at this meeting will be Claire Middleton from ACT Planners speaking on the Feasibility Study for a Community Hub in Woden/Weston Creek
The WCCC provides a forum for residents of Weston Creek to convey their concerns and ideas to the ACT Government, and also provides information to the community about the policies and proposals of the Government.
The AGM will include an election for a new executive committee of ten members, including Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and six committee members. We need a strong committee to pursue our interests, and urge Weston Creek residents to consider standing for the committee.
The Nomination Form is on the WCCC website and can be downloaded by clicking here. Completed nomination forms must reach the Secretary of the Council by 21 August. Nominations should be mailed to the Public Officer, WCCC, at PO Box 3701, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, or handed to a current committee member.