Submission – Nth Weston service station/fast food outlet

service-station_6The WCCC has written to the Environment and Planning Directorate with comments on the proposed Technical Amendment to the Territory Plan to allow for a Service Station and fast food outlet to be developed in North Weston.

Comments on the Technical Amendment to the Territory Plan Variation 2014 – 22
Rezoning of land within the future urban area
of North Weston to permit a service station and fast food restaurant
November 2014

 The Weston Creek Community Council appreciates that the time for comments closed last Friday on this Technical Amendment but would like to offer the following comments on this Variation.

The Weston Creek Community Council supports this variation.

There is a pressing need for an additional Service Station to serve the people who live in Weston Creek.  Some 22,000 people live here and with only one surviving Service Station from the original seven Service Stations in Weston Creek, another is badly needed.  There is also the increasing settlement of people into the new Molonglo development and as this grows, the need will be even greater for another Service Station.

Council understands from advice given by the Land Development Agency that a fast food restaurant needs to be included in this proposal to make the proposal viable.  While this is to occur, Council would prefer that the fast food inclusion not be there but given the importance and need for the new Service Station considers that while not preferable, it is a necessary inclusion for the development to go ahead.

 There is no location that can be agreed to by all residents and there is little doubt that some residents of North Weston will not agree with the proposal.  The proposed site is in a central location that is convenient for both Weston Creek and Molonglo Valley residents.  The proposal states that a buffer with landscaping and a local road is proposed between the site and residential development to the west to protect the amenity of adjoining residents.

 The site at the intersection of Cotter Road/Kirkpatrick Street provides access through traffic signals which should make access to and from the site relatively safe and allow for motorists joining the Cotter Road with safety.

Council remains available for consultation on these comments.



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