In the 2016 ACT Budget there was a small item ‘a new Dog Park for Weston Creek’. The ACT Government have now provided further information, including possible locations: Holder; Chapman & Waramanga.
The Weston Creek Community Council is totally opposed to the proposed site for a Dog Park off Weingarth Street at Holder Neighbourhood Oval. Council’s view is that you can’t place a Dog Park in the middle of a Residential Area. Council wants Holder Neighbourhood Oval to remain as it is – a valuable resource to the neighbourhood. We have lost too much Green Space within neighbourhoods over the years and this in reality would be another loss to those who go there. We have seen the Ovals at the Old Holder High School disappear, parts of the Stirling Oval complex as well and we don’t want to lose more valuable green space in the middle of the suburb. Like the other Dog Parks in Canberra, any Dog park for Weston Creek needs to be on the edge of the suburban area.
The Government is undertaking a survey now so please have your say on this by going to and have your say.
We are having a presentation of the proposed Dog Park areas for Weston Creek and Molonglo to our Public Meeting to be held on Wednesday 31 August at 7.30 pm at St Judes Primary School Hall in Mulley Street in Holder. The presentation on the Dog Parks will be on around 8.15 to 8.30 following our Annual General Meeting and a Presentation on the Basin Priority Project. So come along and listen to the presentation.
I live in Warragamba Ave, whilst I don’t mind there being a dog park, the parking space should not be in Warragamba Ave. There is plenty of space where the old forestry station used to be (which burnt down in 2003) and would not require much effort to turn it into a parking area.
There is too much traffic using Warragamba Ave as a short cut to avoid the traffic lights in this area and whilst the Action buses are necessary and do a great job there are Private buses are also using the road as well as heavy vehicles at times. We also have many vehicles (including Motor cycles} that speed down this road. My neighbor the other day estimated a cars speed to be approx 120 kph plus.
I took the speeding issue up with the local government to no avail.
So what will you do about it – nothing as usual
From Chair WCCC
Dear Roy,
Thank you for the comments on the proposed Dog Park. Council would have preferred the access and parking to have been off Eucumbene Drive but for technical reasons this was not possible. It is by far the best location for a Dog park to service Weston Creek and Molonglo and Council considers that this location will bring the least disruption to the community.
Access and parking is off Warragamba Avenue and is some 70 to 100 metres off the road with a made car park for parking around 40 or so cars. This should alleviate most of the issues relating to parking as the cars should also be almost invisible where the parking area is proposed.
In relation to your comments on the traffic flow on Warragamba Avenue and the speeding I will ask Roads ACT to do a vehicle count and monitor heavy vehicle usage on the road. I will also ask if they have a speed monitoring position in the road. If they do not, I will ask that they place one there.
I wasn’t aware that the road was used to bypass lights.
When I have some more information I will let you know.
Calm down everyone. On the “Your Say” page you can click on the suburb names in purple writing to get a rough map of the dog park proposals. You’ll see that Belinda’s back yard extension will be spared. In normal states dog parks and residential areas get along just fine.
Good afternoon,
I’d like to provide some feedback on the proposed 3 sites for the planned Weston Creek Dog Park.
I live in Holder and like many in the neighbourhood, use the oval in Holder with my family for football, running and a whole range of recreational activities. It a major part of the joys of living in Holder and should be preserved.
I strongly object to the plans to fence off this lovely community space for a dog park.
It seems crazy to consider putting a dog park with all the required infrastructure on a location that is right next to around 12 houses. Particularly given the other two locations are well away from any housing.
Please do not select the Holder location given its proximity to housing, its current use by the local community and given the other two potential sites are well away from peoples houses.
Also – where can we view some plans as to the size of the planned development.
I’m happy to discuss further anytime,
Regards and thanks
James Allan
From the Chair WCCC:
The Weston Creek Community Council is totally opposed to the proposed site for a Dog Park off Weingarth Street at Holder Neighbourhood Oval and said so last week in speaking to the Project Officer when being advised of the proposed sites. The Council is totally opposed to placing a Dog Park in the middle of a Residential Area. I was told that TAMS would go ahead with the proposal as one of three possible areas. Council had proposed 4 areas which were well away from residential housing, one of which is in the three areas proposed. We have not been provided with a proposed plan of any of the three areas proposed. Council wants Holder Neighbourhood Oval to remain as it is – a valuable resource to the neighbourhood. the Government is undertaking a survey now so
Please go to and have your say and say no to it.
We are having a presentation of the proposed areas to our Public Meeting to be held on Wednesday 31 August at 7.30 pm at St Judes Primary School Hall in Mulley Street in Holder. The presentation on the Dog Parks will be on around 8.15 to 8.30 following our Annual General Meeting and a Presentation on the Basin Priority Project.
It has just been announced in the Canberra Times the three locations being considered for the dog park. I don’t think the option in Holder off Weingarth Street should be on the list. There are houses that back directly onto that oval – ours being one of them. The oval is used for families and we don’t really want a dog fence right out the front of our house. Please don’t vote for this venue…