Verdant Developments Update

On 31 March 2021, Verdant Developments (along with its partners Rob Henry Architects and Home By Holly) attended Council’ public meeting to provide a presentation about the proposed development at 24 Rubbo Crescent, Weston.
Since then, we have revised the development plans, including to incorporate an additional car park within the development, given that parking was an issue raised at the meeting.
The new plans can now be viewed at:
A letter drop will be made in the coming days, along Rubbo Crescent.
Pre-development application will close on 3 September 2021 – we would welcome any further feedback before then.
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One Comment

  1. Katherine Wilkinson

    Hi I was not notified by home by holly that they were meeting with WCCC on either of the occasions they presented, even though I am directly affected. They did not tell any of the residents in Rubbo or Buvelot Street about their meetings with WCCC, there were only 2 letterbox drops with a link to their site and requesting feedback. I would be grateful for any information you may have about this development that would support a lette. I am concerned about the size of it (12 people!) and that they want 3 seperate titles even though it is supposed to be ‘intergenerational living’ and the land is only zoned for 2 titles. Thank you

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