Weston Creek Community Council
your local voice
Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek 2611
Phone: 6288 8975
Fax: 6288 9179
Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au
Web Site http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc
Monthly Meeting of the WCCC
27th October 1999
Bob Sutherland welcomed the committee and members of the public.
Apologies were received from Jocelyn Murphy.
Business Arising from previous meeting.
The issues arising from the meeting on ACTION buses were: Corinna Street Woden access; lack of bus service in Badimara Street, timing of the evening bus schedules and bus stops in the vicinity of Cooleman Court. The issue of bus stops at Cooleman Court was also discussed at the recent Weston Creek Precinct Group meeting. The concerns relate to access to the bus stop in Brierly Street and possible alternate sites adjacent to Cooleman Court.
Weston Creek Community Service
Bob Sutherland informed the meeting that the Weston Creek Community Service (located in the Community Centre in Parkinson Street) needed more volunteers for their committee. The Service provides assistance to people through a number of activities including seniors, a youth program and transport.
School Issues
Jeff Carl updated the meeting on the issues regarding school numbers and the outcomes of recent meetings with the Dept of Education. In addition to the mainstream Government and private schools operating in Weston Creek the Urana School is operating in the AME school premises in Weston..
Schools which have been targeted in recent discussions have been Melrose Primary, Lyons Primary and Rivett Primary. A number of schools in Weston Creek still have the capacity to accept enrolments (perhaps excepting Arawang and Chapman).
The concern with Rivett Primary is that although not marked for closure, the attrition rate could be high for an identified small school and therefore contribute to their decline. Another issue of concern is the discrepancy between public and private school enrolments is large. In addition the ACT government subsidies enrolments at private schools while there are 17,000 vacancies in Government schools.
The issue of redevelopment of open spaces in Weston Creek and its surrounds was debated. The use of open spaces for infilling and the impending end to the moratorium on North Duffy/Holder was debated at length. The pros and cons of the arguments for more people in Weston Creek were heard.
Bill Stefaniak - next meeting
Bill Stefaniak, Minister for Education, has accepted an invitation to the next WCCC meeting in November to discuss schools issues. The meeting canvassed ideas on promoting the event. Jeff Carl agreed to manage the advertising of the meeting. This would include limited photocopying of flyers, e-mails to school bursars/principals and material for local school newsletters. The chairs of School Boards in Weston Creek would also be invited.
The WCCC grant from the Chief Ministers Dept is for 12 months from the letter of the date of offer (6/11/98). As a number of events impacted on the need for publicity flyers discussion focussed on the alternate, which had been previously canvassed, of fridge magnets. A Henderson to investigate costings for 1000 and proceed. Software to minimise dependence on commercial printers can also be considered and purchased.
Other costs, which need to be covered, include printer ink, possible Internet costs and a phone and fax account. The perennial issue of managing paperwork flow and storage needs to be dealt with and the current budget position allows a positive step to be made, hardware purchases can be made but these need to be within WCCC budget.
Other Business
Superintendent Chris Lines from Woden Police raised the issue of the burglar rates in Weston Creek. Windows and doors had been left unlocked. In addition people had left doors unlocked and were working in the backyard. Supt Lines asked people at the meeting to be more alert to security and asked if Bob Sutherland could cover the issue in his learned column. It is also important for neighbours to be vigilant to strangers in their street.
Bob Sutherland thanked Supt Lines.
The date of the next meeting would be 24th Nov 1999
The meeting closed at 9:45 pm