your local voice
Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek ACT 2611
Phone: 6288 8975
Fax: 6288 9179
Minutes of Monthly Meeting
Youth Recreation facility
25 February 1998
1. Welcome
Bob Sutherland welcomed members of the public, the WCCC committee and the invited speakers from
TOTALCARE PROJECTS (David Telfer and Rita Brokins) and from Dept. of Urban Services (Peter Tinson and Joe Spellar).Mr Sutherland introduced to the meeting the issues concerning a youth recreation facility. Funding was announced last year of $395,000 by Gary Humphries and community consultation was to be paramount in determining the location and types of equipment to be provided. Early WCCC consultations had detected a divergence of views in the community as to the most appropriate location and the facilities to be provided. This was dependent on the age group that the facility was aimed at.
The October 1997 meeting of the WCCC had three Dept. of Urban Services speakers and introduced to the Weston Creek community the issues of a youth recreation facility. This meeting is a progression of the community consultation process and the views put forward are for
TOTALCARE PROJECTS and Dept. of Urban Services to consider.2. Apologies
Helen Cohen
3. Introduction - Rita Brokins
Rita Brokins informed the meeting of the work which was undertaken in 1997 which indicated the lack of open space facilities and youth recreation sites in Weston Creek. This work lead to an investigation of the possibility of the provision of facilities in Weston Creek.
are the contractor to their client, Canberra Urban Parks in the Dept. of Urban Services.TOTALCARE PROJECTS
are undertaking and managing the community consultation in respect to the project and the consideration of the locations. This will include design and siting.4. Details of the possible locations - David Telfer
David Telfer advised the meeting of the locations that had had a preliminary investigation undertaken. These were
The opportunities and constraints of each site were presented to the meeting on overheads. There was debate as to whether some of the issues raised were actually constraints. The issues included trees, public transport, car parking, safety, visibility. Lack of public transport to the sites was indicated as a constraint to many of the sites. A member of the audience advised the speakers that skateboards were prohibited on ACTION buses therefore public transport to a skateboard ramp was a non-issue.
Mr John Logue, Chairman of the Board of Weston Primary was pleased to hear that the Bureau of Sport, Recreation and Racing had ruled out the availability of Weston Primary School Oval because it was theirs to maintain. The lack of maintenance by the Bureau was the reason that the site was offered. Months of lobbying the Minister has had no effect, but finding an alternate use had brought a response from the Bureau that they were going to look after the site and return its maintenance work.
Question were raised that the opportunities and threats were very superficial, there were no details as to why the issue was either an opportunity or constraint. There were no priorities to the opportunities or constraints - which were major and which were minor? Could the minor ones be overcome?
5 Questions from the audience.
Questions were directed to speakers from
TOTALCARE PROJECTS (David Telfer and Rita Brokins) and to the Dept. of Urban Services (Peter Tinson and Joe Spellar).The issues covered were:
6. Summary
One outcome was that an Internet site would be considered for submissions and comments from students and the public. The issues and concerns raised at this meeting would be used in progressing the planning and the community would be involved in the decision making process. The speakers and the audience were thanked for their contributions in airing the issues.
7. Finances
A motion to agree to endorse the expenditure for the publicity for this meeting of $810 was needed. This was moved by David Clinch and seconded by Rosemary Brasch.
Meeting closed 9.45pm
Next Meeting 25th March 1998 ACTION - new routes and timetable
in Weston Creek.