your local voice
Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek ACT 2611
Phone: 6288 8975
Fax: 6288 9179
Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au
Website http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc
Monthly Meeting 24th February 1999
Bob Sutherland welcomed the public and members of the Committee to the first meeting of 1999. This meeting would be a planning meeting for the year, however the issues addressed by the committee in the last few weeks would be discussed.
ACT Government budget submission.
An invitation was received from the ACT Chief Minister Kate Carnell to provide a submission to the ACT budget process. The submission addressed the funding issues:
* Gungahlin Library
* Capital works at Trenerry/Brierly streets
* Duffy Stormwater remedial works
* Youth facility funding
* Pre-school playground upgrades
* Cotter Road duplication
* Street lighting - converting from mercury vapor to sodium vapor
The WCCC did not request a meeting with the Chief Minister to discuss the issues.
Planning Issues for 1999
There was some discussion regarding the invitees for 1999 WCCC monthly meetings. Suggestions included:
* Australian Federal Police - to discuss the joint emergency services complex.
* Brendan Symth, Minister for Urban Services.
* Tony Gill, Roads and Traffic section, ACT Government
* ACT Education Dept, to discuss class sizes, the future of schools in Weston Creek.
* CCC Management to discuss plans for Cooleman Court
* Sport & Recreation Bureau - to discuss lease negotiations for Philip
Swimming Pool.
* Australian Electoral Commission - to discuss electorate boundaries.
The WCCC has its $3,000 grant for 1998/99 and this can be used from Oct 98 to Oct 99. There are several approaches to maximize the use of the funds. These include several letterbox drops at $700 each, some adverts on calendars and brochures or fridge magnets. No decisions were made at the meeting and costings would be obtained for several options.
International Year of the Older Person IYOP
Bob Sutherland indicted that he would like to discuss ideas for IYOP in Weston Creek. The ideas debated were:
* Fitness trail for older persons
* Repair of the Stromlo fitness track
* An event at local shopping centres in Seniors Week
* Bi-monthly seniors get together (community day)
* Community dance - in a hall - Stromlo High?
* School children invited to retirement villages in Weston Creek.
The Southside Chronicle will have an IYOP calendar at regular intervals and this could be used for advertising organised events.
The WCCC hosted a meeting of PACTT on 20 Jan 1999. The main agenda item was roads and their planning. The John Dedman Parkway was of major concern.
Bicycle Lane
Discussion centred on the need to have bicycle lanes painted on main arterial roads that cris-cross Weston Creek. These appear to be needed where discrete bike paths are not provided.
The WCCC fax number is incorrect in the new Canberra phone book. The number remains 88 not 99 as listed. It remains unchanged at 6288 91279
Meeting of Combined Community Councils with the Chief Ministers Dept.
The WCCC is scheduled to meet with the Chief Ministers Dept on Tuesday 9th March 5.30pm-7.30pm. Jeff Carl Deputy Chair and committee member Jocelyn Murphy will attend.
The WCCC has received a few phone calls and letters regarding the new bus routes and timetables and generally the routes in place have been supported.
Weston Creek precinct update.
The capital works have commenced in Brierly Street and the official opening of the start of construction will be at 12.30pm Thursday 4th March in Brierly Street by the Minister for Urban Services Brendan Smyth.
Rivett shops upgrade - update.
Jeff Carl attended a meeting of the Rivett shop owners and tenants of behalf of the WCCC organised by the Dept of Urban Services. The outcome was that $3,000 would be spent on a master plan and a further $27,000 would be provided for the construction costs.
Meeting Closed 9.35pm
Next Meeting Wednesday 24th Mar 1999