Weston Creek Community Council

your local voice

Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek 2611

Phone: 6288 8975

Fax: 6288 9179

Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au

Web Site http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc

Monthly Meeting of the WCCC

25th August 1999



Jeff Carl, Deputy Chairman, welcomed Guy Thurston CEO and Beth Hobson of ACTION, the committee and members of the public.


Apologies were received from Ken and Sue Galvin and Bob Sutherland


The Annual Audit report was tabled at the meeting. The audit showed that of the $3,000 received, $1,157 was expended and $1,753 was in the bank. The annual return can now be lodged with the Registrar of Associations.


Guy Thurston provided an outline of the impact that the bus route and timetable changes had made. There was an overall trend line increase of 4% in passengers from a 20% increase in services. This was in contrast to other cities which were experiencing declines. The age group least likely to catch a bus were 18 to 25 year old females. The availability of second cars at $13,990 was also proving a difficulty for bus patronage. The comparison of bus fares and car parking costs is constantly an issue in bus usage. The decline in bus usage in the preceding 2 years was 15%. Minor changes will be made in 2 weeks on 13 September. The reliability of timings of bus travel times within a bus route is of concern and is affected by traffic flows and traffic volumes.

In Weston Creek issues of concern were seen to be Badimara Street where the previous route 211 needs to be re-considered. Also Weston Creek night services need to consider the capacity versus the number of passengers. Within ACTION budget changes with the staff agreement has had a $7M effect. ACTION met the budget target although the target was a negative.

ACTION was disseminating information on timetable changes as printed material. However, 27% of homes have the Internet; and approximately 90% of people have Internet at work and this was by far the easiest way of disseminating timetable changes.

Mr Thurston opened the meeting to questions from the floor; Jeff Carl mediated this.


As they were no more questions Mr Carl thanked Guy Thurston and Beth Hobson.



Other Business

Superintendent Chris Lines from Woden Police had followed up a number of issues raised at the previous months meeting.

A question was asked about more police patrols; Supt Lines advised that high visibility of police is a strategy that can be undertaken for short periods. It is not a long-term solution as it only displaces the activities of people.


Jeff Carl thanked Supt Lines.



The date of the next meeting would be 22nd Sept 1999

The meeting closed at 9:45 pm