Weston Creek Community Council
your local voice
Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek 2611
Phone: 6288 8975
Fax: 6288 9179
Email: info@wccc.com.au
Web Site www.wccc.com.au
ABN: 52 841 915 317
22 August 2001
Jeff Carl, WCCC Chairperson, welcomed the members of the public and the guest speaker Damian Wall from Environment ACT. Mr. Carl also asked that all attendees complete the attendance book presently being circulated. This book was used to support our annual grant application and to show that the WCCC holds regular public meetings.
Bob Sutherland, Alan Henderson, Brendan Smyth MLA, Jacqui Burke MLA, Kerrie Tucker MLA, and Jack White.
Jeff Carl informed the meeting that there would be a presentation by Damian Wall followed by an update by a member of the Residents Against Aerial Spraying.
Weston/Woden Sub-Catchment Plan
Damian Wall indicated the boundaries of the Sub-Catchment area and explained that a Sub-Catchment Plan describes the natural resources of an area and environmental issues such as weeds, declining water quality, waste and tree decline. He explained that as well as listing issues of concern; a Sub-Catchment Plan should suggest actions and create positive change partly by coordinating community-based activity.
He then described some of the background to the formulation of a Sub-Catchment Plan.
At present there are lots of individuals and groups such as Landcare and school groups which all operate individually. By consolidating as a Catchment Group to prepare a Sub-Catchment Plan they could then have access to the $1.3b which is being made available by the Federal Government for environmental projects through the Natural Heritage Trust.
In the ACT two catchment groups have already formed, Ginninderra and Sullivan's Creek, and these groups have secured grants for $460,000 and $179,00 respectively. The Weston/Woden Catchment area is the most heavily populated in the ACT and the formation of a Catchment Group would help access funds and coordinate projects, with government collaboration.
Damian stated that it is important that everyone who lives and/or works in the Catchment area should become involved. In order to facilitate participation he has arranged two public meetings. The first to be held at Hughes Community Centre on 27 August and the second at Weston Creek Community Centre on 28 August. They will both commence at 7 pm and should finish at 9 pm.
At these meetings, participants should would raise many issues of concern from which it is hoped that a list of hoped the top 5 priority issues can be established. and aA Catchment Group can will also be formed which will work with him to develop a the Sub-Catchment Plan. The Group will then be responsible for the implementation of the plan and can lobby Government for resources to assist in it’s its implementation.
Question and Answer session then followed.
Q. Who has the money?
A. The National Heritage Trust Mk II is administering the money on behalf of the Federal Government. Community groups can apply for funds.
Q. Proposed development in north Duffy will create a significant number of additional dwellings which could affect water quality.
A. This is also a planning issue which should be addressed with PALM but could also be mentioned in the context of the Sub-Catchment Plan.
Q. This is a 2-year project, what happens in this time?
A. The 2 years is an example of the time it can take to develop a plan. However it could take 6 months to complete the plan for Weston/Woden.
Q. What role does the Government have?
A. A coordinator assists with the implementation of the Plan. The reference panel will have a sunset clause.
Q. Does the government provide any specialist help?
A. The Catchment Group can ask them for help with particular issues. It may be possible for Urban Sservices Department to provide money for public works projects that are implemented in conjunction with Catchment issues.
Q. Does the plan have bi-partisan support?
A. The government has put forward an Integrated Catchment Plan Policy which advocates government, industry and community support.
Mr. Carl thanked Mr. Wall for his presentation and for answering questions. He reminded people present to take one of the envelopes, provided by Mr. Wall which contained information about Weston/Woden Catchment Plan, details of the meetings and a questionnaire.
Aerial spraying in Duffy Pine forest
Peter Lindsay of the group ‘Weston Creek Residents Against Aerial Sspraying’ spoke to the meeting about developments since the March 2001 meeting of the WCCC. A summary of each of these developments follows:
Some questions were asked about the toxicity of the chemicals and in response information sheets were distributed.
WCCC Financial Statements.
Jeff Carl informed the meeting that the Financial Statements have been audited and they were tabled. He stated that the WCCC operated at a loss last year due to the costs associated with the registration of the Internet domain name.
These costs were funded by loans from members of the Ccouncil, as allowed under the constitution. These loans will be repaid from the grant that is expected to be given by the Chief Minister’s Department. After allowing for outstanding loans and shares in CPS Credit Union, the WCCC has a balance of $45.69 in our bank account.
The Annual Report prepared by the WCCC Executive Committee to support our grant submission to the Chief Minister’s Department was made available for scrutiny.
A member of the public suggested that the financial statement and meeting agendas were be made available on the web site. Jeff replied that the suggestion would be considered.
Defence Housing Authority
A question was asked about the DHA residential development on Streeton Drive. Jeff responded that he had been informed that the residences were scheduled to be available by mid-December and that 50 semi-detached residences were being constructed.
Mr. Carl informed the meeting that the site on the corner of Streeton Drive and Darwinia Terrace was a work site and depot for Transact TransACT sub-contractors and that he understood that remedial work would be carried out when it was no longer required.
Cotter Rd duplication
A question was asked about whether Wastewatch had been informed about the duplication of the Cotter Road and the destruction of the recently completed roundabout. Jeff responded that the duplication program had been brought forward at the request of the WCCC and that he had no knowledge of whether Wastewatch had been informed.
Neighbourhood Futures Program
Barbara Brinton spoke to the meeting briefly about the project and the workshop that had been held on the previous night. Rivett and Holder are the two Weston Creek suburbs that are being studied.
The major issues raised at the workshop were:
The survey results are not yet available.
A member of the public then asked what the exercise was about. Jeff gave some general answers about declining suburbs and whether suburb renewal was needed. There was then some general discussion about surveys and that information is usually only provided by a small number of people who may not necessarily represent the general populace.
A complementary exercise concerning shopping centre renewal has also been commissioned by PALM and the meeting was informed that the information collected during the WCCC's Taking it to the Streets program had been supplied to the consultants working on both projectshas been sent to PALM.
Minutes of the last WCCC meeting
These have been prepared and are currently with PALM for their comment to ensure accuracy.
Next meeting
The meeting was reminded that the public is invited to ‘Meet the Candidates" standing for the Legislative Assembly election at next month’s meeting. This meeting will be held on 26th September at Royals Rugby Club commencing at 7.30pm.
Meeting Closed: 8.50 pm.