Weston Creek Community Council

your local voice

Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek ACT 2611

Phone: 6288 8975

Fax: 6288 9179

Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au

Web site: http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc

Minutes of the WCCC Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 28 October 1998


Bob Sutherland welcomed the public, members of the Committee and guest speakers from Dept of Urban Services, Susan Conroy and Craig Johnstone. Bob also indicated to the meeting that the WCCC would now have to request membership forms from interested and agreeable residents. The forms would be circulated for completion during the meeting.



Weston Creek Youth Facility - Susan Conroy.

The objectives of her work were to investigate past concerns with the consultation process; namely; review previous consultations and initiate a new round of consultations to deal with a number of new issues which had arisen.

The original concept of the youth recreation facility was $20,000 for design and $375,000 for construction and the preferred site was the eastern edge of Cooleman Court with construction starting in the 98/99 financial year.

There were 20 issues of concern in the first consultation round and the public information process appeared to be flawed. A recommended site was identified but this was not adequately conveyed to meetings. A number of sites had been visited accompanied by the WCCC. Totalcare and Urban Services have had several meetings to agree on the scope of the works.

The defining of young people was also an issue. The ACT definition is 12 - 25 years, however in this case the limited range of 12-18 years is used, ie. those at school, dependent on family and little access to transport.

An extensive re-working of the community consultation process was undertaken with a wide range of groups including the schools.

The findings indicated that the issues of concern were the same across many varied groups, however other issues were unique to the young. Issues included access to phones; lights; garbage bins; close to the centre of activity; access for the disabled; need to duplicate the equipment; close to public transport; food and beverages. The issue of multiple use of the site was also raised in the consultations as well as the combinations of equipment. It was indicated that the needs/wants of the youth need to be considered. All groups mentioned skate facilities.

The location was another issue of concern. Three attributes needed consideration; INFRASTRUCTURE (lighting, water, transport); AMENITY (the value and sense of place of the site); and CENTRAL VERSUS SUBURBAN. A matrix system was used to score functions/issues and some issues became more important using a matrix approach. The matrix approach identified the land of Weston Oval and/or adjacent to the Weston Tennis Club scoring highly. Other sites had high scores on the matrix but had non-tangible impacts that ranked them low, eg community views/reactions.

The report is currently with the Minister and awaiting release. There is still a need to improve the amenity of the land behind Cooleman Court and this may be treated at a much-reduced scope. A passive use of the originally proposed site may be needed. This would need to be designed for all the community not solely limited to a focus on youth.

Questions and issues raised from the floor included: sound minimisation near Cooleman Court; seating (easy to maintain and clean); able to uses sites in winter; rubbish discarded; undesirables hanging around; alcohol restrictions; improved lighting (but still consider Mt Stromlo); does the government own the sites and issues concerning the Tennis Club site.

Mr Sutherland thanked Susan Conroy and Craig Johnstone.

Grant Cameron Centre (Holder High).

A number of issues have arisen regarding the Centre and the plan to upgrade facilities (press coverage 27 Oct 98). The improvements to the building will need an improvement in car parking provision and an improvement in the landscape treatment of the site. Mr Sutherland agreed to investigate the issues.

WCCC Grant from Chief Ministers Dept

The meeting was advised that although the WCCC committee had submitted completed grant forms on the 7 August 1998 the Chief Ministers Dept had not yet provided the 'offer of a grant' document nor a cheque. The Committee members were personally covering bills until funds arrived.

Perry Drive Chapman

The WCCC had received an inquiry concerning the lack of visibility while driving on Perry Drive and turning onto and off the street. It appeared that vegetation, both on government land and on private property may be the issue. Mr Sutherland agreed to investigate the issue.

Privatisation of ACTEW

There was discussion on whether the WCCC should have a view on the privatisation. Many reasons for and against having a formal view were debated. It was considered that the WCCC should not have a formal view but the views of individuals were very important and people needed to be able to have say for or against.

Weston Creek Archery Field

The WCCC had again been contacted regarding the lack of action in removing the Dept of Urban Services rubbish which had been dumped on a site used by a sporting club. Mr Sutherland agreed to investigate the issue.

Population Forecasts

The revised ACT population forecasts had been released and the growth rates appear to be considerably lower than the last projections. The numbers relevant to the Weston Creek district will be posted on the WCCC website.

Defence Force Relocation

Little new information has come forward regarding this announcement. Mr Sutherland agreed to investigate the issue.

Meeting Closed 9.45pm

Next Meeting Wednesday 25th Nov 1998

(No meeting in Dec or Jan).