Weston Creek Community Council
your local voice
Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek ACT 2611
Phone: 6288 8975
Fax: 6288 9179
Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au
Web site: http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc
Minutes of the WCCC Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 25 November 1998
Bob Sutherland welcomed the public, members of the Committee and guest speaker from ACTION Buses, Beth Hobson. Bob also indicated to the meeting that the WCCC would now have to request membership forms from interested and agreeable residents. The forms would be circulated for completion during the meeting.
Maps and bus timetables were on display and attendees encouraged to ask questions. An overview was provided which highlighted the major changes to the bus network structure and timetables. Attendees were provided with maps and timetables as required. The contact phone number for ACTION is 131710.
Weston Creek Youth Facility
There was some discussion regarding the implications of the material presented to the last monthly WCCC meeting by Susan Conroy of Canberra Urban Parks. The issue of splitting the funding to improve the amenity of the land behind Cooleman Court was debated. A passive use of the originally proposed site may b included as and designed for all the community, not solely limited to a focus on youth.
Questions and issues raised from the floor included the noise pollution. The construction of an amphitheatre goes beyond the original brief. Residents of Weston indicated a concern that sound minimisation near Cooleman Court would be a major concern. It was raised that the Precinct on the western side of Cooleman Court may provide this facility. The design and siting plans for the treatment of the eastern side of Cooleman Court and the Youth Recreation Facility were awaited.
It was requested that those residents who wished to become members and met the eligibility requirements complete the 'request for membership' forms.
Rivett Pre-School
Bob Sutherland indicted that he attended a meeting at the Rivett Pre-school regarding the closure of the childhood early intervention unit (EIU). These units were being rationalised and would be located in Kambah and Charnwood. The language early intervention unit (LEIU) would be located in Rivett as a trade-off. This was seen as inadequate as this was not a 'feeder' of students to the pre-school as many were 'out of area' attendees.
The major issue regarding the ability of the WCCC to have an impact is the lack of local representatives to lobby. The ACT Assembly system has not provided local politicians who can be lobbied for a cause in their electorate.
The WCCC has received the cheque of $3,000 from the ACT government and existing agreements and funding arrangements (income and expenditure) would remain in place.
Local Area Planning and Advisory Committees were discussed. The need for a LAPAC in Weston Creek was debated and an announcement was awaited.
Defence Forces re-location
Although this was considered to be an election promise there was information presented to the meeting that activities may still be underway to achieve the outcome of relocating defence force personal. The information at this stage is still unconfirmed.
Meeting Closed 9.45pm
Next Meeting Wednesday 24th Feb 1999
(No meeting in Dec or Jan).