your local voice

Postal address PO Box 3701 Weston Creek ACT 2611

Phone 6288 8975

Fax 6288 9179

E-mail wccc@dynamite.com.au

Web site http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc


Minutes of the

Annual General Meeting

27th May 1998


Bob Sutherland welcomed the invited speaker Marion Reilly, members of the committee and the general public. Under section 15(3) page 11 of the WCCC constitution a quorum was present and the chair declared the meeting open. The AGM was advertised in The Valley View on 26 May, The Southside Chronicle on 26 May and The Canberra Times on 25 May 1998.


Apologies were received from Annette Ellis and Jocelyn Murphy.

Minutes of the previous AGM

The Minutes of the 1997 AGM were distributed to all attendees. The minutes were a true record of that AGM. Moved Marion Reilly seconded Jeff Carl.

Chairman’s Review.

The Chairperson, Bob Sutherland, provided an overview of the major activities undertaken by the community council in the last 12 months.

Sukyo Mahakari was a major issue that consumed an enormous amount of time of the committee of the WCCC. Two monthly meetings, as well as numerous contacts were undertaken to ensure the Council brought to the attention of the residents the activities of the organisation and the perceived impacts. The proposed youth facility and the precinct upgrade have also been a central focus of the committee in discussions with Canberra Urban Parks, Canberra Places and Totalcare projects, again two monthly meetings have been devoted to the issues as well as members of the WCCC committee on the precinct group.

Canberra Urban Parkes released for discussion a strategy paper on town and district parks and open spaces in Woden/Weston Creek. Workshops were convened before the release of the strategy paper and Jocelyn Murphy and John Logue representing the WCCC attended these. Action will need to be undertaken to followup on the outcomes.

The proposal of the Weston Creek Tennis Club to work with other sporting organisations in Weston Creek to bring together a proposal for athletics venue/swimming pool did not gain much momentum in the last 12 months. However the issue is still important as it is continually raised at WCCC meetings. The swimming facilities in Weston Creek will remain an issue.

The preferred site by Minister Stefaniak of the Athletics Park at Woden is of concern to the WCCC. There is the need to ensure that all possible southside locations are considered in the feasibility study.

There were significantly improved relations with ACTION during the past year. A number of small meetings were held as well as a well attended public meeting in March to discuss the proposed new bus routes and timetables in Weston Creek. Possibly the most successful and well-attended meeting of the WCCC was the ‘Meet the Candidates’ meeting in January which attracted 20 potential politicians and filled the auditorium of the Royals.

Moved Bob Sutherland, seconded Marion Kossatz.

Secretary/Treasurer Review

The committee of the WCCC had been actively involved in a number of organisations in the past 12 months. The most intensive involvement was with the Cooleman Court precinct group, which met on average every fortnight. The presence of the WCCC on this group enabled a valuable contribution in respect of the view of the community that balanced that of the traders. The youth facility debate also stretched resources but the committee was able to maintain an important input to ensure a consultative process was adopted and maintained by the planners.

The email connection established at the beginning of the year was an important improvement to our communications with residents and government. The dedicated fax line as well as a single phone number with an answering machine has ensured that the professional approach of the WCCC is maintained.

The WCCC distributed 4 flyers in the financial year; Cooleman Court precinct; meet the candidates; youth facilities and ACTION bus routes & timetables. An article in the flyers requesting help with a web page design brought forward a volunteer, Ken Galvin of Holder to help the WCCC. Our web page is expected to be on the Internet in several weeks. The design and content is at a final draft stage.

In respect of funding the WCCC received a government grant in October 1997 for the 97/98 financial year. The major expenditure continues to be printing and distribution of flyers (approx $750 each). Other major costs were fax and phone rental and calls. Committee members continued to pick up costs without reimbursement and these actions are greatly appreciated.

The WCCC currently has in the bank account $234.53 and expected costs before the end of the financial year are; Internet renewal, association lodgement form costs and phone and fax accounts. There will be insufficient funds and again volunteers will cover the shortfall. Reimbursement may be possible in the next financial year. It is expected the WCCC will receive $3,000 in 98/99 financial year as indicated by Chief Minister Kate Carnell at the public meeting on 28th January 1998.


Another development in regard to finances is the merger of the Advanced Bank and St George Bank. The account had no fees with the Advance bank, as we are a non-profit community group. Negotiations were undertaken with St George in Sydney to ensure our status remained and fees were not part of our account. A two-signature passbook will remain.

Moved Alan Henderson seconded Rosemary Drabsch


Mr Henderson advised that Angela Tadd had performed the audits of the WCCC for the last two financial years at $60.00 each. Questions were raised regarding the possibility of a local auditor volunteering services. This will be investigated and reported back to the next monthly meeting to the WCCC. In the meantime Angela Tadd will remain as the auditor. No change will take place without the endorsement of a public meeting.

Moved Jeff Carl, seconded Bob Sutherland.

Election of Office bearers

Bob Sutherland and committee members stepped down and the meeting was presided over by Marion Reilly. Marion indicated that all positions were open and vacant. A nomination and voting process was undertaken and the outcome was:

Chair Bob Sutherland Marion Kossatz Rosemary Drabsch
Deputy Chair Jeff Carl Alan Henderson Marion Kossatz
Sec/Treasurer Alan Henderson Rosemary Drabsch Gary Caitcheon
Public Officer Gary Caitcheon Bob Sutherland Jeff Carl

Committee members are:

Marion Kossatz

Rosemary Drabsch

Jocelyn Murphy.


There was a need to endorse projected expenditure:

Internet subscription renewal approx $180-$200

Lodgement of Association Forms approx $24

Moved Gary Caitcheon seconded Bob Sutherland

Endorsement that the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer continue as joint signatories to the account book.

Moved Jeff Carl seconded Rosemary Drabsch


Internet Site

Gary Caitcheon requested that the full Annual General Meeting provide an official thank you to Ken Galvin for volunteering services to design and maintain the WCCC web site on the Internet.

Moved Gary Caitcheon seconded Jeff Carl and unanimous support from all attendees.

Other Business

The AGM resolved that monthly meetings of the WCCC would continue on the 4th Wednesday of the month at Royals. Moved Jeff Carl, seconded Alan Henderson.

Meeting closed 9.15pm

Next normal monthly meeting 24th June 1998.