Weston Creek Community Council
your local voice
Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek 2611
Phone: 6288 8975
Fax: 6288 9179
Email: wccc@dynamite.com.au
Web Site http://www2.dynamite.com.au/wccc
Monthly Meeting
26th July 2000
Jeff Carl welcomed the committee and members of the public on this cold, snowy evening.
Superintendent Chris Lines, AFP; Michelle Holmes- Margaret Nicholls, Marion Kossatz, Bob Sutherland.
Business Arising
Jeff Carl advised the meeting that a response to the issues raised at the previous monthly meeting had been received from the Office of Brendan Smyth, Minister for Urban Services, who was the guest speaker.
The following is the Minister's Response.
Old Kambah Road - Cotter Road/Dixon Drive Holder
Dumping ground/fence off.
The area has been inspected. This is a remnant of an old road (at least 30 years old) which comes off the Cotter Road and goes into the pine forest. It stops a considerable distance short of Dixon Drive in a "dead end".
The road has been used as a stockpile area since that time by Totalcare (and it's predecessors). The stockpiled materials generally include soils and gravels, with some asphalt "millings" from road excavations and old pipes (which would be reused).
The materials are stockpiled at this location for use in road repairs, etc, in nearby rural areas (areas suitable for stockpiling construction material are difficult to find in the ACT).
The road has a locked gate at the Cotter Road and is generally bounded by a low perimeter rural type fence. Some sections of this fence have been cut by vandals to gain access into the area, or by others (walkers, etc) for taking short cuts to and from the Cotter Road.
The stockpile area is not considered unduly unsightly. Is not visible from Dixon Drive, and only partially visible from the Cotter Road - if motorists actually stop to look.
The broken sections of the fences will be repaired, and unauthorised entry points will be blocked off to ensure that the area is not indiscriminately or inadvertently used by members of the public.
Depot in Rivett (leased) Cars - mess.
Contact Officer: Damian Hall, Compliance Officer, Land Management PALM. The Depot is currently tenanted. The tenant stores landscaping materials there for his landscape business.
The Depot has recently undergone some minor repairs including the boarding up of broken windows and fixing of fences and gates. Materials stored inside the depot are stored in a reasonably tidy manner, consistent with the use of the Depot as a place for storing landscaping materials.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Damian Hall on 6207 1799.
Jocelyn Murphy Yarralumla Woodshed - no sink for catering - have to use the ladies.
Contact Officer: Rod Baxter (6207 2204) Asset Development & Marketing
A number of improvements are documented for Yarralumla Woolshed. These improvements include:
This work has been documented and will be submitted to the Australian Heritage Commission and the National Capital Authority for works approval over the next week or so. At this stage we probably can't fund all the work but I hope we can do the disabled ramp and wash up area in the next 3 months, subject to works approval
Waramanga Depot
Weston Creek Royals Soccer Club would like to lease. It is being used by CUPPS for storage.
Contact Officer: Peter Tinson (6207 5486) Manager Canberra Urban Parks and Places (CUPPS).
CUPPS refitted this depot in 1997 to provide specialist storage conditions required to store various specialist equipment and materials used by CUPPS throughout the year. If similar premises were to he found elsewhere funds would he required to refit and relocate.
This request is being considered by the Government.
Why do ACT Forests charge $1 to use toilets?
Contact Officer: Tony Bartlett (62072548) ACT Forests
There is no charge for using the toilets in ACT Forest facilities.
We do charge camping fees at some sites, usually the shower and toilet facilities for the campers are locked and are only accessible to those who have paid camping fees. For example at Woods Reserve there is a locked shower and toilet block, but there is also a "free" public toilet block for day visitors.
It is necessary to keep the main shower toilet blocks locked because of the large amount of vandalism that occurs and the need to ensure that those who pay to camp do get clean serviceable facilities.
There was some debate regarding the issue of the Old Kambah Road. This was seen as a valuable access route to the Stromlo Forests and the walkway needs improving; the response was that it would be further excluded from use.
As regards the Rivett Parks and Gardens Depot, Jeff Carl indicated that the Departments interpretation of 'reasonable tidy manner' was unusual or they visited the wrong depot. John Logue from the Weston Creek Royals Soccer Club indicated that the efforts of the WCCC had brought about a meeting scheduled for 3 August between the soccer club and the Government.
Australian Federal Police
Peter Budworth reported that there had been an 18% downturn in Woden - Weston Creek incidents between June and July, there were 252 incidents in June and to date 195 in July.
The police patrols were targeting specific areas and focussing on incidents at Cooleman Court. Last month there were 4 incidents at the Skate Park and 2 this month. The issue of declaring the Skate Park an alcohol-free zone was still in Minister Humphries Office awaiting consideration. There were 3 car incidents in June and nil to date in July.
Peter was asked of the status of Neighbourhood Watch, he advised that he would locate the answers and reply to the WCCC. Answers were supplied after the meeting; see below.
Audit 1999-2000
The Treasurer advised the meeting that the signed final audit from our Auditor, Sue Galvin had been received. The finances were audited without change and everything was in order. The WCCC started 99-00 with $1,856.83 and received $3,000 on 6 Dec 1999 at the end of the FY the account balance was $14.89 The papers would be submitted to the Registrar of Associations and the end of year report to the Chief Minister's Department.
Treasurer moved motion to accept the Auditors report. Moved Alan Henderson seconded John Logue.
On going Accounts
The Treasurer indicated that the WCCC fax and phone bills come in at regular intervals and agreement of the meeting is sought to pay these as received.
Treasurer moved the above. Moved Alan Henderson seconded Gary Caitcheon.
Commonwealth Parliamentary Works Committee
Jeff Carl advised the meeting that there was an open call for submissions on the proposed Defence Housing Authority work in Streeton Drive. He encouraged all concerned to consider a submission. The WCCC submission would be based on the issues raised at our previous monthly meetings and would be submitted next week.
Federation Fund - Art Works
Phil Nizette addressed the meeting regarding a project that had gained Federation funding. The project was to develop and produce art for the 'valleys' of Canberra. Photos were needed of people, trees and buildings which reflected qualities of the district of Weston Creek. This would then be made into a collage and screened onto ceramic tiles. These would be mounted in an agreed location in Weston Creek. Phil sought submissions of photos. Contact details are available from the WCCC.
Any other business
A resident asked about Dept of Urban Services inspecting footpaths in Weston Creek, an outcome from Minister Smyth's visit last month. Jeff Carl replied that the process was to call 6205 2500 and report areas of concerns.
A resident asked when the final decision on the traffic calming of Streeton Drive would be known. The outcome of the deliberations and community consultation could take some time with no definite date.
The construction of the roundabout at the Defence Force College entrance was causing delays of a magnitude not expected, reported a resident. If the final completed works do not drastically reduce time delays there will continue to be significant concern and debate; which Minister Brendan Smyth can expect in his direction.
Next Meeting will be 23rd August 2000
Meeting closed at 9.25 pm
A question was asked of Peter Budworth, AFP regarding the status of Neighbourhood Watch in Weston Creek and the following information is provided as an addendum to the Minutes of the July meeting.
Q. Number of NHW chapters in Weston Creek area
A. 2, all of Rivett and the western half of Duffy.
Q. General overview of condition.
A. Rivett is an active zone with approx. 6 or 7 attendees at each monthly meeting. The Zone leader is currently changing to a younger person and things may improve as a result. Duffy is not as good. There are about 3 to 4 attendees at each monthly meeting. The Zone leader is an active participant in the broader NHW activities. Lack of public drive/interest/initiative appears to be a big factor in the NHW field in Weston Creek. Experience has shown that those areas that strictly adhere to the original principles of NHW appear to be the ones exhibiting a decline in interest. Those that embrace a wider philosophy with regard to Community activity and embrace other Community interest groups appear to be prospering. The AFP has actively been encouraging NHW to embrace other interests within the Community, with mixed results.
Q. Reduced funding of NHW?
A. The impact of the prospect of reduced funding by Tattersalls is not known at this time. Tattersalls indicated that they wished to remain the major sponsor of NHW, but they also wished to reduce their financial commitment. Should this eventuate then additional sponsorship will have to be obtained. At this time no firm decisions have been made by either party.
The contact for NHW is
John Greenaway
Crime Prevention Team
Woden Patrol